50: The Last Day

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In the evening, Cassiopeia was examined by Madam Pomfrey for the third time that day. The matron declared her fit to leave but emphasized the importance of regular meals. Draco assured her he would take responsibility for her nourishment, and Cassiopeia felt grateful for the concern of her friends, even if she couldn't reveal her secrets just yet.

Pansy arrived with a grey pyjama outfit to keep her warm. Cassiopeia was genuinely happy to have such friends, but her secrets remained hidden for now. She promised herself that one day she would reveal the truth.

"Eat up, Cassie," Draco urged as he pointed to the unfinished plate of spaghetti. Cassiopeia tried to protest, but he was insistent. With a groan, she finished her meal. Blaise and Pansy sat across from them, discussing their classes and the adventures of exploring what the other houses were up to.

Draco joined the conversation, sharing the difficulty of catching the other houses. Cassiopeia listened and soon realized they were talking about the Room of Requirement. The other houses were chased by them for extra credits under Umbridge's watchful eye. Cassiopeia shook her head in disappointment and then excused herself, claiming she was going to bed early. Her friends nodded as she left.

Guilt hung over her as she recalled telling Draco that she would return to her old self. In reality, she was on her way to retrieve the diary and meet Tom, a decision that would mark the end of her nighttime escapades. Tomorrow, she was headed home for Christmas holidays, not to the Manor but her father's house. She hoped the change of scenery would provide some much-needed mental space, and she also needed to shop for gifts for Draco, Narcissa, Lucius, Sirius, and even Kreacher.

Cassiopeia pushed these thoughts aside for the moment and returned to her dorm to retrieve the diary. She then made her way to the Seventh Corridor, which was deserted at the time. She spotted Tom entering, so she quickened her pace and ran to catch up with him.

Tom appeared surprised when he saw her. "You arrived early, I see," he smiled as she struggled to catch her breath after running.

"Yeah, I saw you going in," Cassiopeia replied, waving her hand to dismiss her haste. She looked around, taking in the room's grandeur. "What is this?"

The room was a vast bedroom, reminiscent of the one at the Manor. It was spacious but not as large as the hall she had first encountered.

"I thought we could spend the night here together," Tom said, removing his Slytherin robe and placing it in the closet. Cassiopeia closed the door behind her and examined the room.

The room contained a king-sized bed on the left, a grand window with a view of the starry night, a bookshelf, a closet, and a nightstand near the bed. They stood next to a fireplace with green sparks, and the same chandelier hung from the ceiling. The only difference was the presence of a bed instead of a couch or a piano.

"Oh, I see," Cassiopeia remarked, walking into the room. She placed the diary on the nightstand and sat on the bed. She looked at Tom, who was still standing by the door, watching her.

"Are you planning to stand there all night, Tom?" she raised an eyebrow. He shook his head and joined her on the bed.

"What happened to you today?" he suddenly asked. Cassiopeia was surprised that he knew about her visit to the Hospital Wing. She furrowed her brows, curious.

"I fainted because I skipped meals from yesterday's lunch, and I had no breakfast today," she explained. "But I'm feeling better now. Draco has taken charge of ensuring I eat properly."

"You have a caring cousin," Tom remarked as he gazed at the bookshelf. Cassiopeia nodded, remembering that his birthday was approaching, which made her feel a tinge of sadness, knowing that Tom wouldn't be around for it.

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