04: A Secret Getaway

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"Where are we going?" Cassiopeia asked as Tom intertwined his hand with hers.

He remained silent but led her deep into the forbidden forest. It was dark, and curfew had long passed. Tom, utilizing his prefect privileges, had cleverly led her into the depths of the forbidden woods.

Finally, they arrived at a small wooden house after what felt like an eternity of walking. Cassiopeia struggled to keep up with Tom's long strides.

"What's the plan, Tom?" she inquired, growing more curious as they approached the mysterious house.

"Patience," he replied with a mysterious smile. He opened the door, gesturing for Cassiopeia to enter first. She stepped inside, and he followed behind her.

The interior of the house was enveloped in darkness, and they couldn't see much. Then, all at once, the lamps burst to life, banishing the darkness, and Cassiopeia couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

The flames in the nearby chimney cast a warm, welcoming glow over the room. Eager to escape the cold of the night, Cassiopeia quickly made her way to the couch beside the fireplace and nestled into its comfortable cushions. She had been wearing only a short nightgown, with a cardigan draped over her shoulders. Tom had pulled her away from her room so suddenly, and she wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

The room was small but cozy. There was a single door that likely led to another room, a table strewn with various books, and an overall inviting atmosphere. Tom settled down beside Cassiopeia, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"I believe I now have an answer to your question," he said, gazing into her eyes.

"Go on, Tom," she urged, her curiosity piqued. This enigmatic boy never ceased to amaze her.

"Today, I was preoccupied and couldn't spend time with you. So, I thought we could have some time together tonight," he confessed, his eyes locked onto hers.

Cassiopeia couldn't help but smile. The thought that he had missed her as much as she had missed him warmed her heart.

Tom returned her smile with a mischievous grin. This time, their kiss didn't catch her off guard; instead, it began slowly and sensually, sending shivers down her spine. His hand released her ponytail, allowing her hair to cascade down her shoulders, and he deepened the kiss.

As their lips fervently met, his fingers traced the curves of her neck, and her exposed cleavage, thanks to her slipped cardigan. Goosebumps danced across her skin as his touch sent a tingling sensation throughout her body. Cassiopeia ran her fingers through his hair, intensifying the kiss as pleasure coursed through her.

Her desire for his touch grew stronger with each passing second. Suddenly, he lifted her up, and their lips hovered just inches apart. Their eyes locked, filled with an intense, burning desire.

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"Cassie," a faint voice reached her ears, and she struggled to rouse herself.

Pansy continued to shake her shoulders, calling her name repeatedly until Cassiopeia's eyes slowly fluttered open. She was clutching the pillow she had been hugging in her sleep, similar to how she had clung to Tom's hair in her dream. Her eyes widened as she noticed Pansy's bewildered expression.

"Who's Tom?" Pansy furrowed her brows in confusion. Cassiopeia's mind raced for an explanation, and she quickly fabricated a lie.

"My boyfriend from years ago," she replied, trying to sound convincing. "He was a victim of an unforgivable curse last year and still appears in my dreams. Only Draco knows about it; he mentioned it on the train yesterday."

It was a well-constructed lie, and she couldn't help but be proud of her quick thinking.

Pansy was momentarily stunned by the story but offered an apologetic smile. "Get ready, girl. You can talk to me whenever you needed."

Cassiopeia nodded at Pansy's kindness and her reassuring smile. Who knew Pansy had this type of side?

"We have Defense Against the Dark Arts, let's not get late," with that Pansy left Cassiopeia alone to get ready.

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