39: Umbridge's Inspection

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The day had been a nightmare, worse than any Cassiopeia had experienced in her life. In the blink of an eye, everything had turned upside down.

An argument between Professor McGonagall and that pink-clad lady had led to the announcement of Umbridge's appointment as Hogwarts High Inquisitor. The news quickly spread, becoming the headline of the Daily Prophet.

And so, it happened that Umbridge came to inspect each and every class, a task that was more about humiliating their professors than anything else. Cassiopeia felt a growing disgust for this woman with each passing moment.

On this particular day, Umbridge arrived to inspect their Potions class. The students had taken their seats and were preparing the Strengthening Solution as per Snape's instructions. Cassiopeia found herself paired with Draco, though their relationship was strained at the time.

Her scar still marred her hand, and Cassiopeia couldn't help but wonder why it didn't heal more quickly. Their textbook was open in the middle so they both could see it clearly. While she read the instructions, Draco brewed the potion diligently.

"Are you still angry with me?" she asked quietly after reading the last instruction. He ignored her, prompting her to roll her eyes.

Cassiopeia noticed Draco glancing at her scar. She sat to his right, with her left hand on the textbook, continuing to read. She decided not to dwell on it; why should she care if he was doing the same?

Umbridge passed their desk, casting her eyes over their cauldron before approaching Professor Snape. Cassiopeia never attempted to avert her gaze from the woman and kept reading.

"Well, the class seems fairly advanced for their level," Umbridge commented to Snape's back, signaling another impending drama. "It is questionable to let them learn potions like the Strengthening Solution. I think the Ministry would prefer to remove this from the syllabus."

Cassiopeia leaned toward Draco and whispered, "Is she really mad?"

Draco hissed at her to keep quiet. Reluctantly, she nodded, acknowledging his advice.

Umbridge continued her interrogation, her quill at the ready to jot down answers. She paced back and forth behind Snape's towering figure.

"You've been teaching at Hogwarts, how long?" she inquired.

Snape replied in his usual cold tone, "Fourteen years."

"You applied first for the Defense Against the Dark Arts post, is that correct?" Umbridge's voice took on a fake pout, a gleam of mischief in her eyes. Cassiopeia found it amusing to see the kind of question Snape was forced to respond to.

"Yes," Snape admitted.

"But you were unsuccessful?" Umbridge prodded, her voice dripping with insincerity. The entire class was fixated on the interaction between the two, their attention diverted from the potion brewing in their cauldrons.

Snape's response was curt and clear: "Obviously."

After Umbridge's inspection of the class, she left as uneventfully as she had entered. Cassiopeia couldn't help but giggle, and Ron, seated behind her, shared her amusement. However, their mirth was abruptly interrupted when a heavy book struck Cassiopeia's head. She let out a whimper and turned to see Snape's cold, piercing glare. Moments later, Ron was similarly struck by the same book.

Draco, though clearly entertained by the situation, kept his laughter silent. As Snape departed, Cassiopeia harshly elbowed Draco and mouthed, "Shut up."

A smug smile played on her lips as she observed Draco rubbing his ribs in pain.


Once the Potions class was dismissed, Cassiopeia remained behind in the classroom, her bags packed. She had a question about a potion that only Snape could answer, much as she despised having to approach him for anything.

The room emptied, and Snape, now alone with Cassiopeia, turned to her, his gaze icy. "Aren't you leaving, Miss. Black?" he inquired, his tone frigid.

Cassiopeia approached his desk and stood tall. "Actually, Professor, I have a question regarding Potions."

Severus Snape settled into his tall chair, his black eyes fixed on her. "What is the question, Miss. Black?" His tone remained cold and unyielding. "After reviewing the questions I provided on last year's exam, I can't say you're entirely lacking in Potions knowledge."

Her face lit up with a smile as his words washed over her. However, Snape's expression remained indifferent. "Is that a compliment, Professor?" she inquired, her smile still intact.

"No," Snape replied flatly. "You must strive for further improvement. But, what is your question, Miss. Black?"

Cassiopeia shifted her focus back to her inquiry. "It's about Love Potions, Professor. There's a belief that when a child is conceived under the influence of a Love Potion, they cannot feel love. Is that correct?"

He nodded, his brow furrowing slightly as he considered her question.

"Is there any way for such a person to learn to feel love? I'm curious because I've heard that You-Know-Who might have faced a similar issue. Did he ever experience love, at least in his youth?" she inquired, her eyes locked onto his.

Snape regarded her with a blank expression. "In some cases, if the person is genuinely loved by another and comes to understand the depth of that affection, they may learn to feel love. But it's not a certainty," he responded, his tone as cold as ever. "May I ask why you're inquiring about this, Miss. Black?"

Cassiopeia offered him a grateful smile. "It's simply curiosity, Professor. Thank you for your answer."

She turned to leave the classroom but was halted by Snape's question.

"I trust you're not considering brewing a Love Potion for someone?" he inquired, an uncanny intuition in his tone that left her surprised.

"No, Professor, you have my word that I wouldn't engage in such foolishness," she declared, and Snape leaned back in his chair.

"Brewing potions isn't foolish, Miss. Black," he coldly stated, but Cassiopeia merely shrugged it off.

"But using a Love Potion to win someone'saffections, isn't that, Professor?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.He offered no response, so she quickly left the classroom.

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