81: Shattered Heart

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"Where's Tom?" Cassiopeia inquired of Kreacher, who had an unusually blank expression on his face. The usually loyal house-elf looked different, causing Cassiopeia to furrow her brows as she attempted to discern what might be hidden behind that expression.

"Kreacher?" She called his name once more, but he simply gazed downward. "Are you alright? Where's Tom?"

"Kreacher thinks it's not a good thing if Miss. Arctula goes there," Kreacher replied, his voice hesitant. "Just wait until Mr. Riddle returns."

"What?" Cassiopeia's confusion deepened. "Is he okay?"

Worry gnawed at her as she considered what might have transpired while she was away, buying ingredients for Tom's upcoming birthday cake. Before Kreacher could provide more details, Cassiopeia hurried upstairs, her apprehension growing.

As she reached their bedroom door, the muffled sounds of a woman's moans caught her attention. Her eyes widened, and she approached the door slowly, trying to comprehend the situation.

"No, Tom would never betray me," she whispered to herself. "He loves me more than anything."

She tried to suppress her rising panic, determined not to jump to conclusions.

"How can you make me feel so good, my Lord?" The voice was unmistakably that of Bellatrix Lestrange.

Cassiopeia gasped, her hand involuntarily covering her mouth. The words she had just heard echoed in her mind.

"I can do whatever you want me to do, Bella," Tom's seductive voice replied. "You're the best follower I've ever had."

Bellatrix continued to moan, and the exchange of kisses between her and Tom further shattered Cassiopeia's heart.

"She's not here, so you can stay here for now," Tom's seductive voice continued.

Cassiopeia bit her lip harder, struggling to contain her tears and sobs, all while trying not to make a sound. She stood outside the door, listening to their intimate conversation for what felt like an eternity.

Her heart was in pieces, and she felt like a fool for being deceived by Tom. She had chosen him over everything and everyone, even losing loved ones because of him. Yet here he was, making love to someone else.

She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. When she was certain she could maintain her composure, she pushed the door open and found both of them almost half-naked and tangled on the bed.

"Fantastic, Thomas," she exclaimed, summoning all her courage. "I see you had a great time while I was away."

Without giving them a second glance, she entered the room. She couldn't help but chuckle slightly when she saw them in such a compromising position.

Opening her nightstand locker, she retrieved her wand.

"I think you lost what you had, little girl," Bellatrix gloated when her niece was about to leave. "Accepting the defeat that soon, huh?

Cassiopeia said with a smirk, just as she was about to leave. "But then again, I'm not the one who kills family members."

"How does it feel?" She mocked giving an innocent smile. "I said in the beginning he was only using you,"

"It's a muggle saying," Cassiopeia explained with a grin as Bellatrix' brows furrowing in confusion. "Sharing your old toys is considered a good deed."

Cassiopeia turned to leave, but her movement was abruptly halted when Tom's commanding voice reached her ears.

"It's better for you to leave my house, Black," he said, devoid of gentleness, his tone a pure command. "Hope you enjoyed yourself here."

Her heart sank, and she didn't dare turn around. Tears welled up in her eyes as she bit her bottom lip, hoping this was just a terrible nightmare. But it was all too real.

With a jolt, she found herself back in her own room, her gaze fixed on the familiar ceiling above. Her breathing was uneven, and a thin layer of perspiration covered her body, mingling with the tears on her cheeks.

She hadn't realized she had cried in her sleep. Closing her eyes, she tried to calm herself down.

"It was only a nightmare," she repeated to herself, trying to convince her racing heart.

Tom's arm was wrapped securely around her, and she was wearing his black shirt. His head rested on the crook of her neck, and she could feel her silent tears dampening the fabric.

She slowly released herself from his grasp and sat on the edge of the bed, deep in thought about the haunting dream. Tom's face looked peaceful, his lips slightly parted. She knew he would never betray her; she trusted him completely.

She couldn't understand why she'd had such a nightmare, but she needed to clear her mind. Staying in the room wouldn't help. She needed to dispel the lingering unease.

She didn't want to unjustly suspect him, not after all they had been through. She trusted him completely and knew he would never deceive her. She had seen the genuine affection in his eyes, the care he showed her, and the protective instincts he possessed.

This was no pretense; it was the real Tom, the one she loved. He may have had a dark past, but with her, he was genuine. Dumbledore had known about Tom's ability to pretend, especially his charm, but it was different with her. She was the first person he truly loved.

Cassiopeia limped out of the room, feeling the soreness between her legs from their intimate night. She realized it was already morning. Tom's shirt hung loosely on her, extending to her mid-thigh, and she hadn't bothered with pants.

"Merry Christmas, Miss. Arctula," Kreacher greeted her with a grin as she settled on the kitchen counter.

"Merry Christmas, Kreacher," she replied with a forced smile, her gaze cast downward. She let out a heavy sigh, and Kreacher couldn't help but notice her troubled state.

"Is Miss. Arctula alright?" Kreacher inquired, approaching with concern in his eyes. "Miss looks unwell."

"I'm fine, Kreacher," she said, hiding her face in her hands and sighing deeply. "Can you tell me where the large bathroom is?"

"It's at the end of the corridor where Mr. Riddle Snr's room was," Kreacher informed her.

"Thank you," she murmured, offering him a faint smile before trudging upstairs.

Cassiopeia's steps were sure and determined as she made her way to the bathroom. Her familiarity with the manor allowed her to find her destination with ease. When she reached the door to the bathroom, she pushed it open and stepped inside.

Securing the door with a quick incantation, she wasted no time in preparing a warm bath. The soothing sound of water filled the room as she unbuttoned Tom's shirt and let it slip from her shoulders. The oversized shirt fell to the floor, revealing her delicate figure.

Cassiopeia slipped into the pool, feeling the warmth envelop her body, soothing away the tension that had built up. The water's embrace was a comforting respite from the chaos of her thoughts.

With her eyes closed, she allowed herself to relax. In the calm of the bath, she confronted her deepest fears, one of which loomed large: the fear of surviving without Tom. She couldn't imagine a life without him, and the thought of it sent shivers down her spine.

As she leaned back against the cool tile of the bath, she pondered the tumultuous events of the night, the nightmare that had shaken her to her core. The warmth of the water offered some solace, but the shadows of her fears lingered in the corners of her mind.

Author's Note:

Chapter Thoughts?

~ monoceros_x

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