90: Pursuit of Excellence

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The days passed swiftly after the holidays, and Cassiopeia reflected on Pansy's words during their journey back to Hogwarts. Pansy had raised a valid point about striving for top grades. Cassiopeia realized that, without Tom's presence, she needed to focus on her studies to achieve academic excellence.

In Tom's era, Cassiopeia had always been motivated by their shared dedication to learning. They took their studies seriously and pushed each other to excel. Now, with Tom absent, she decided to maintain that same level of commitment on her own.

Her days were predominantly spent in the library, devouring both new and advanced books. Her hunger for knowledge led her to delve into complex subjects, which contributed significantly to her academic progress. Cassiopeia was determined to secure top grades that year, as it would be a testament to her hard work and success.

She had invited her friends to join her in this pursuit, but Pansy and Blaise were often preoccupied with their own interests, occasionally indulging in romantic interludes. This led to Cassiopeia sometimes seeking refuge in Blaise's bed when her dormitory was occupied by her amorous friends.

Draco, on the other hand, had his nose buried in books he had to read when he was a Death Eater. He believed that expanding his knowledge would only benefit him. As a result, he spent a significant amount of time in his dormitory, engrossed in his reading.

Cassiopeia remained in contact with Tom, keeping him informed about the changes in her academic life at Hogwarts. He was pleased with her dedication to her studies, which in turn made her even happier. She couldn't help but associate her efforts with him whenever she delved into the subject that had always been Tom's favorite, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

"I still can't believe you outperformed Granger," Blaise exclaimed during dinner. "Someone, pinch me."

Pansy and Blaise were seated across from Cassiopeia and Draco, their usual positions during meals.

"Sure thing," Pansy chuckled, reaching over to pinch Blaise's cheek, which elicited a slight wince. "Alright, Blaise?"

"Nice," Blaise responded, rubbing his reddened cheek once Pansy released her pinch. "Finally, a Slytherin with top grades."

"Even I didn't expect that," Cassiopeia admitted, twirling her fork in her noodles. "But I managed to surpass both Draco and Hermione."

"Alright," Draco said, placing his hand on Cassiopeia's shoulder. "I always knew my cousin was the best."

Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow, observing Draco's unusual behavior. "What are you planning, Draco?"

"Come on, Cassiopeia," Draco chuckled, noting her puzzled expression. "Let's just say I'm determined to earn better grades than you."

"That's some determination," Cassiopeia remarked, removing Draco's hand from her shoulder and continuing her meal. "Longbottom helped me significantly in Herbology."

"Seriously?" Pansy raised an eyebrow. "A Gryffindor helping you?"

"Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that," Cassiopeia shrugged her shoulders, taking forkfuls of noodles. "Being humble is more important than being arrogant."

"That doesn't sound very Slytherin," Draco quipped, earning an elbow-smack from Cassiopeia. "Can't you keep your hands to yourself, Black?"

"Can't you keep your unnecessary comments to yourself, Malfoy?" Cassiopeia retorted with a sarcastic smile.

"These two really can't maintain peace for even a second," Blaise shook his head in amusement. "So, tell us, how did you manage to outperform Granger?"

Cassiopeia held her fork aloft, her elbow resting casually on the table. With a playful smile, she leaned in to speak. "Well, actually, I focused on my studies instead of snogging in my free time. I hope my advice is helpful. Thank you for listening."

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