12: A Night in the Astronomy Tower

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Waking up with him, hearing his heartbeat against her chest was the last thing Cassiopeia wanted in her life. It felt so secure, as if no one could hurt her. He was her knight in shining armor, her painkiller, and the ultimate love of her life. She couldn't even imagine a life without him. The way he looked at her, the way his eyes found her inner self, almost made her attracted to him forever. Sometimes, she felt like she could stay with him forever, in his arms, hearing his heartbeat, and feeling every inch of him against her skin.

He was the color of her blood, the only thing she wanted to touch, the body that kept hers warm, the only man she wanted to commit herself completely to.

"You awake, angel?" His morning husky voice sounded at the top of her head while she was busy in her thoughts, drawing invisible circles on his bare chest. Sleeping in a vulnerable position completely didn't let her wake up from him. She was really craving him. His left hand rested on her back while running his fingers up and down, creating a mesmerizing sensation in her body.

She hummed in reply, resting her hand on his chest, observing the ring he gave her. It was a gold ring. Her eyes caught something instantly which she hadn't before. Letters were crafted on the ring.


"What is C.T.R, Tom?" She looked up at him, who chuckled, covering his eyes with his palm. This man was really attractive, and his smile was tempting.

"It's your name, silly," he uncovered his eyes, looking down at her like he was admiring her. Cassiopeia kept her head down, resting on his chest again.

"But it should be—wait, are you serious?" Her curiosity turned to shock instantly, realizing what it really meant. She raised her head again to meet his dark brown eyes, still staying on top of him.

Cassiopeia Tom Riddle.

"I'm serious when I'm talking about the future," he looked down on her while adjusting himself and leaning back to the headboard, considering her weight like a feather. The back of his fingers began to caress her cheek gently, while the other hand wrapped around her waist securely. "I always loved you, still love you, and I will love you forever. You became an angel to a rude monster, accepting each and every fault I've done. So, I need that angel with me forever, I will never let her go away. Because I'm in love with that angel."

He kissed the top of her head after the speech without taking his eyes off her. Cassiopeia felt tears veiled in her eyes with the overwhelming happiness in her heart. She chuckled at him, whose eyes were glued to her the entire time.

"Tom," she quickly wrapped her arms around him, letting her tears melt her cheeks and soak his chest. "I love you. I cannot even imagine a life without you."

She buried her head in the crook of his neck, leaving soft sloppy kisses.

"I love you, Cassie." His long fingers from her waist moved up to run through her hair, caressing. "I think we should get back to Hogwarts before complaints go out that students spent night at the Three Broomsticks."

Cassiopeia's eyes fluttered open as she lay on the cold floor of the Astronomy Tower, her cheeks damp from the tears she had shed the night before. The memory of her desperate flight to this place to find solace, only to fall asleep and continue seeing him in her dreams, haunted her.

She yearned for a chance to turn back time, to alter the course of his life and prevent him from becoming the monster he eventually became. Slowly, she rose from her seat, her gaze drawn to the morning sky, its colors painting a stark contrast to her troubled thoughts. The monotonous chirping of birds filled the morning air.

Unexpectedly, the familiar voice of the headmaster interrupted her reverie, startling her.

"What are you doing here, Miss Black?" The headmaster's voice was calm and kind, his posture straight and reassuring. Cassiopeia gathered her composure, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within her. She hastily rose to her feet, wiping away the traces of her tears on her cheeks. She stammered in response to his presence, her emotions still raw and her thoughts scattered.

"I...I just...," her voice trembled as she tried to explain her presence in the tower.

The headmaster stepped closer, his concern evident in his eyes as he addressed her by her first name. "Do you have anything to tell, Cassiopeia? What is bothering you, child?"

Overwhelmed, Cassiopeia admitted, "I cannot do this, professor. I just want to stop seeing those dreams. I'm living in denial, not capable of helping myself not to crave the dreams."

The headmaster's voice remained steady as he responded, "Everything has a meaning, Cassiopeia. But it takes time to realize. It's about time, child. When the time comes, you will know everything. Until then, wait."

Cassiopeia couldn't find the words to argue against his answer. She trusted the headmaster's wisdom and kindness. If he said it was about time, then she would accept it.

"I understand, professor," she acknowledged, nodding. He offered her a warm smile, and she returned it with gratitude before leaving the tower, her mind filled with questions and uncertainty.

As she walked back to her dorm, her thoughts raced, each question pressing for answers:

Why was it "about time"?

Why was everything so complicated?

Why did she fall for him, even though it was a denial?

What was her connection to Cassiopeia Lestrange?

Could Cassiopeia's spirit be wandering like Moaning Myrtle's?

If Tom could be a nicer person, why did he become a monster?

Why couldn't she stop him?

Who had killed Cassiopeia?

Upon reaching her dorm, she found an unexpected scene: Draco was asleep on her bed, Pansy on hers, and Blaise on the floor, still in the clothes from the previous night.

Cassiopeia decided to retreat to the bathroom, where she changed into oversized t-shirt and trousers to refresh herself.

As she thought about the enigmatic dreams and the complex mysteries surrounding her, she couldn't help but wonder about the story's ultimate outcome.

Author's Note:

Any idea why was she dreaming of Tom Riddle?

Do you like the moments she has in her dreams?

Do you think she will feel everything for real?

Stay with the story to see the mystery behind her dreams.

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