{EC} 6. Hale Pack

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"what if I'm far from home?
oh brother, I will hear you call."


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We were on our way to Derek's loft just to speak to Peter. I was tightly gripping Scott's waist as we cut through the air on his motorcycle. I'm not sure why my first instinct wasn't to go to Derek's, I mean- our uncle first. He was actually familiar with Derek at that age and maybe he knows a way that we can restore his memories, if not get him back to his normal self.

My mind keeps replaying Uncle Alan's advice about finding a way to tug at Derek's emotional tether. The only time that I saw Derek display any 'emotional tugging' is the mention of our family. And I don't know if that's the safest move.

We finally pulled up to the parking lot and to our surprise, Malia was already waiting on us. I eased my way off Scott's motorcycle as I then furrowed my eyebrows over at Malia.

"What are you doing here?" Scott questioned as we both placed the helmets onto his bike's handles.

"I heard you two were coming to talk to Peter. And since Lydia tells me he's basically Satan in a V-neck, I figured you guys needed some extra protection." Malia insisted as a small smile went across my face.

"It's both Scott and I here. I think we can handle him." I lightly said, lowering my eyebrow.

"You can handle him better with me." She insisted, already walking off from us. Scott and I shared a glance as I shook my head over to him.

I'm pretty sure Malia and Peter never crossed paths, especially now that he knows that Malia is his daughter.

The journey to Derek's loft was pretty quiet for the most part, concerning that none of us knew what to say. I have to speak to Peter about them tearing down the Hale house! I mean, how did he let that happen? Shouldn't the property be in his name after the passing of his sister, my mother?

Scott then slid the heavy metallic door open as the three of us poured into my brother's loft. The last time I was here was the night of the last full moon, the night Scott and I patched things up.

"What's wrong with you?" Malia questioned, her eyes staring over at Scott.

"Nothing." Scott quickly answered as he cautiously watched her.

"Your heart is pounding like crazy. Are you nervous?" Malia pinpointed as my eyes widened, looking over at my boyfriend. Jesus, is Malia attentive to everything?

"He's just bad at introductions." Peter's voice boomed through the room as I pitched slightly, Scott's eyesight falling on him. I turned my head to find Peter reclined on the couch, a book held in front of his face.

"Peter.." Scott trailed off as he then looked over to Malia with a soft smile. "this is Malia." He finished. This caught Peter's attention as the book slowly fell from his hold, gazing at Malia.

Scott and I watched in anticipation as Peter rose from the couch, both him and Malia having a stare down. "Beautiful eyes." Peter let out as he moved closer. "Did you get them from your father?" Peter asked such a Peter question.

"Mother." Malia looked over at him with a suspicious look. I sent a hard glare over to Peter as he locked eyes with mine. We held eye contact for a few seconds as if Peter could've heard all of the shouting I was sending over to him.

"Anyway!" Peter brushed off, his eyes now holding a less serious look. "I'm sure they've told you a lot about me."

"The homicidal killing spree came up." Malia bluntly said as I folded my lips, looking away.

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