14. Eichen Inmates

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"The fox is poisoned, but it's not dead."

My uncle's words floated through my mind, day in and day out. The Japanese spirit has now been expelled from Stiles' body but because the word 'expelled' was used, the expulsion is still pretty temporary. But fortunately, it still buys us time to try and figure out any form of solution. The fact that the Nogitsune played us all that day, with Stiles not showing up once, showcased what a trickster it really is. It showed that all it's really here for is to bring havoc upon my family, friends and Beacon Hills. Setting off a bomb in the county's sheriff station? That is the epitome of insanity and I think that incident shook us all, enough to put our serious game faces on.

However, I didn't fail to notice that the Oni aren't as sharp is they're supposed to be. Instead of going after the Nogitsune that night at the animal clinic, who was the initial target, they began fighting off Scott and Kira- two people who were only trying to protect their friend. Though it may seem like they were protecting the Nogitsune, they're only protecting the body that the Japanese spirit found it fit to reside in- not the spirit itself.

Stiles recognized that as well. And because of his realization, he found it fit to be enrolled into Eichen House, which brings us to our current situation.

I shoved my hand into the pocket of my jacket as Ava, Flora and I stood outside the gates of the asylum, Eichen House. We came up with a plan of our own which can hopefully make Stiles' stay a bit less- well, creepy.

"There they are." Flora spoke over the wind as we watched Mr. Stilinski and Stiles pull up in the front of the gates. We all watched in silence as the two males exit from their vehicle, both of them wearing wary looks on their faces. I then walked forward to greet them,

but in the distance, the sound of a motorcycle was prominent and as the familiar green motorcycle appeared, Flora's and Ava's eyes landed on me

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but in the distance, the sound of a motorcycle was prominent and as the familiar green motorcycle appeared, Flora's and Ava's eyes landed on me. I closed my eyes tightly as I let out a sigh.

"You told Scott?" Flora hissed as she turned to me, asking the question that was on probably everyone's mind.

"I'm sorry!" I threw my hands up in the air as we watched Scott hurriedly lower his kickstand, to hold his motorcycle in place. "He's my boyfriend, keeping a secret like this from him isn't exactly easy." I muttered as Scott then came walking over to us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott's voice sounded as his eyes switched between Stiles and his father.

"Because we wanted to avoid something like this." Mr. Stilinski pin-pointed, taking a short glance at me which caused my eyes to widen slightly.

"It's only 72 hours." Stiles bargained, trying to make the situation seem a little less crazy.

"This is the same place where Barrow came from, the guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies." Scott spoke in disdain, then turning to Stiles' father. "You don't know everything yet."

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