21. Progression

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Lydia is missing. On top of that, we learned that Derek, Isaac and the twins were temporarily under the influence of the Nogitsune, which is where Uncle Alan is at the moment. And, Ava is still at large with the nogitsune, who had taken Lydia. Ava was smart, she placed a cloaking spell over both her and the Nogitsune so I literally couldn't have tracked them- even with the most precise locator spell.

I was still at Scott's house while Melissa had our version of Stiles upstairs, checking him medically to see if he is actually "our" Stiles. But truthfully, there was only way to know for sure if it was actually Stiles here with us. The Nogitsune can put on a really good act, but there is no reason for our Stiles to abduct Lydia. But, Stiles still insisted that we checked.

Better safe than sorry.

I looked down at my phone that had recently went off and it was Flora notifying me Uncle Alan had successfully rid the influence of the nogitsune in Isaac and the twins. I smiled to myself gratefully as I sent a quick text back to let her know that I had seen it. To say that the spell had tired me out would be an understatement, but for some reason, it feels like there was a shift in my body. The marks that were left by Scott's claws healed after sometime, and I didn't even use a spell. Maybe it was because they weren't extremely deep, but I have no idea. Something happened, but I'm not sure and quite frankly, I'm too exhausted to find out. It's literally after 3 AM and we were still waiting on our next step.

"You did great today." Scott reminded me as he took a seat next to me, placing a kiss on my forehead. I grinned widely over at him, my invasive thoughts already dispersing from my mind.

"Me? I should be applauding you, Mr. Alpha!" I laughed as I placed on an impressed expression. We would have never gotten Stiles' attention if it wasn't for Scott. As an idea to lighten the mood popped into my head, I held up a finger, a smile threatening to spill over my face. "Who am I?" I questioned as I then held a hand over my face. "Phantamogriphia decorum." I whispered an illusion spell, unmasking my face to display myself as a werewolf with red glowing eyes and bearing fangs, much like my boyfriend. Scott's eyes widened as his mouth dropped open. I then let off a small roar which then turned into a fit of giggles, with Scott soon joining in.

"I think you look way more bad-ass as a werewolf than me." He spoke, his eyes still wide. I smiled widely as I then pulled out my cellphone, switching to the camera.

"Hm, not bad." I nodded as I took in my appearance as a werewolf. Since I came here to Beacon Hills, I have always wondered how it felt to be a werewolf. Heightened everything, along with beautiful glowing eyes and supernatural healing without the need of a spell. All of it, it must be amazing. "Phasmatos oculacs." I countered the illusion spell as I laid back in the sofa, the same sofa where I casted the spell earlier. While this situation is serious, I adore that Scott and I still find some way to laugh with each other. I wasn't kidding when I said Scott was my safe haven. I watched as Scott's head swiftly turned towards the door of his house.

"Noshiko's here." Scott mentioned, his voice taking a more serious tone. "I'll go tell Stiles." He added, as I nodded softly as we both got up from the sofa. I went over to the door while Scott rushed upstairs for Stiles.

I opened the door for Noshiko, leaving her to follow me into the middle of the living room. We both had an intense stare off as she stood there, a small smirk on her face. I sucked in a breath, looking away momentarily. "I have to do it, don't I?" I whispered out, looking back to her. Once she nodded, the sounds of footsteps descending down the stairs then became audible as I turned around to see Stiles standing there, a jacket wrapped around him.

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