{EC} 19. Being The Antidote

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"it's alright now
baby i've got the cure." 

-l. m.

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Different treks of footsteps echoed through the air as we made our way into the vault. All of us, walking in one by one as we took in our new home for the next few hours. 

In here is huge! The first time that I saw the vault wasn't too long ago, actually. I practically begged Derek to bring me here the minute I found out about it. It's an amazing fact, honestly; knowing that the history of your family is so rich that there is a vault that predates the school it is built under.

We all looked back at the door as it began sliding close on its own.

"Hey, have a seat." I advised Scott, ushering him over to a chest that is now a perfect chair for him. As he took a seat, I stood in front of him to wipe the beads of sweat from his forehead. "How are you feeling?" I further asked as I took a seat next to him.

"I've been better." Scott weakly answered, leaning his head back onto the wall behind us. I frowned as I placed my small hand on his cheek. Scott managed to place a smile onto his face, his eyes on me intensely. "I am happy that you're not experiencing this, though. You've been through a lot these couple of days." He spoke, his voice hardly above a whisper.

"Yeah." I breathed out, leaning my head back to be on level with him. "Beacon Hills is a lot." I responded, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"You know, this is where it all started." Stiles' echoing voice gained our attention. I looked over to see him slowly caressing Malia as his eyes scanned the area, soon settling on an object near Scott and I. "That's where the money was. 117 million in bearer bonds." He spoke.

Scott and I looked back to see a safe. It was a good sized safe, definitely heavy duty. The door to the safe had the combination lock blown off and it was replaced with a simple lock. Apparently, the safe wasn't durable enough. The mere fact that the thief knew exactly where the money was is mind-boggling. It had to be a quick heist for neither Peter or Kate to spot them.

It's uncanny.

My eyebrows quirked up unconsciously as a thought then pondered through my mind while I stared back at the safe. Undoubtedly, items that are of utmost importance and what you wouldn't want to be damaged is what would be held in the safe. The deed to the Hale House is a pretty important piece of paper since it was a house that was passed down through generations. I wonder if it is in that safe. . . With that thought, I swiftly got out of my seat, walking over to the safe. 

I felt Scott's gaze on me as I positioned my fingers onto the lock. I groaned out lowly as I used my heightened strength to pull the lock off the latch strongly. "Woo." I breathed out as the broken lock then fell to the floor.

"What are you looking for?" Scott's voice rang through my ears as I began rummaging through the contents of the safe. 

"Just trying to debunk or confirm this suspicion that I have." I muttered, pulling a stack of papers closer to me, beginning to flip through them. The argument Peter and I had over the Hale house's destruction is still fresh in my mind because there is literally no way somebody tears down a house that is on private property without authorization. 

Right when I was about to approach the bottom of the stack, there was a hard material paper with a red sticker plastered on the bottom of it. My eyes scanned over the paper's title and I could've screamed with happiness once I read it. 


My eyes navigated further down the page as I looked for the names. I felt a pit in my stomach form as my eyes finally located who the property belongs to. 

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