2. Cloaking and Sleep Driving

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Today's happenings confirmed my suspicions about the consequences that were promised to the three previous sacrifices. I think it's worse for them, hopefully it isn't. Somehow I linked myself to them, which then caused the effects to mirror on me as well. But I'm not sure why I hallucinated Stiles trying to kill me, that's not his character at all. It looked like he was possessed or something.

Flora and Ava aren't officially spooked about this town yet, but they are surely keeping their guards up. They weren't too quick on their magic, but luckily Isaac was there and he caught the arrow before it went to my head, or should I say right through it? It's way too weird that Isaac was there though, it wasn't the protective boyfriend type, it was more of I'm stalking you to assure our love will happen. But all in all, it's evident that Isaac cares for her and Allison has been talking about him for quite some time, and it's safe to say that Allison feels the same way.

"It feels like I haven't been here in ages!" I exclaimed, pushing through the door that leads to the back of the animal clinic. I was still taking my friends on a semi-tour throughout Beacon Hills, showing them the main places that events would usually happen. The animal clinic was our last stop and now Uncle Alan can finally explain to me what in the holy hell is going on with me.

I'm not going to lie, though. This animal clinic has brought back a lot of memories, mainly pertaining to the last time I have been in here. Which was when Scott, Allison and Stiles had ritually sacrificed themselves to find the nemeton. Just to think about that past event is nerve wracking, but for some reason it lingers around in my head and stays there for almost the whole day.

"Well we are certainly glad to have you back." Uncle Alan said with a smile as he injected a dog with a needle, carrying it to the back. "Ava, Flora! Welcome to my animal clinic-"

"Alan? Is it okay if we call you Alan?"

"I'm more known as Deaton, unless it's Carson whose addressing me." Uncle Alan said with a nod, answering Flora's question.

"Well, in that case Deaton, you don't need to welcome us anywhere, really. We want to feel like we're home, like we belong here." Ava muttered as I sighed, looking over to her.

Ava is aware of the small amount of witches here in Beacon Hills, which kind of makes her feel like an outcast and secluded. "Ava, I said this before.. it's not bad that we're witches in Beacon Hills. It just makes us special." I spoke, resting a comforting hand on her back. "Now, to the actual elephant in the room. What the hell is going on with me?" I groaned, sliding onto the metal table that was on the side of the room. Uncle Alan simply walked around to face me, taking a seat.

"Somehow you connected yourself with one of them, perhaps all. There technically isn't something wrong with you, but there is something your subconscious is trying to tell you." Uncle Alan started as Flora rose her hands up in the air.

"There you go, let's host a séance and ask the elders what the hell is happening. If there are some wrathful deities trying to eat at you, I think you would want to know. Problem solved!" Flora exclaimed as I face-palmed myself.

"Dude, I don't think that solution is going to make things easier." Ava retorted, shaking her head and the impulsive one out of us three. "I'm going to use the restroom right quick." Ava dismissed herself, only for her to come prancing in 2 seconds later. "Uh, can you direct me please?" She sheepishly asked with a small giggle. Uncle Alan then gave her the directions to the restroom, Ava immediately following them.

"So about the-"

"Uncle Alan, who else is coming here?" I questioned, almost immediately cutting Flora's words off as I saw a pair of headlights reflect in the windows. It almost sounded like Stiles' jeep and I pray to God it isn't so.

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