{EC} 22. Sheriff Station of Supernaturals

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"falling too fast to prepare for this
tripping in the world could be dangerous."

-i. d.

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While I thought that I was going to be in a heartbroken and mentally depressed state, it seemed as if my dopamine levels were literally off the charts. I was flying around in my room, trying to connect the dots of certain events and paying attention to all of the subliminal messages that has been shot my way.

Scott's elimination process last night was a really huge step in the right direction in trying to figure out who is the Benefactor. While obviously Lydia isn't the benefactor, the only other banshee we know of is currently dead. Or is she?

"Your convenient catastrophe heralding powers combined with your astral projection magic suddenly awoke when I decided to trek down my own path of self elimination." Meredith's few last words to me echoed through my head as I tried to figure out what she could've meant. When I projected myself on whatever spectral plane we were on, she didn't seem happy to see me. In fact, it seemed as if I was ruining a plan of hers.

Lydia had collected Meredith's belongings from Eichen House as it was disclosed that there was nobody to collect it for her. Due to Lydia visiting her an ample amount of times, and ultimately feeling responsible for Meredith's suicide, she felt propelled to collect them.

If there was something in those belongings that I can use to try and figure out if she is really dead, then maybe we can get a break in this whole Benefactor case. After all, Meredith was able to give us one of the cipher keys.

After pressing the call icon next to Lydia's contact, I held the phone up to my ears.

"Carson, thank God you called!" She exclaimed as soon as she had answered.

"Yeah, I would be excited to hear my voice too." I snickered, shaking off the small playfulness. "But, please take me really serious when I ask this question. It may sound a bit ridiculous."

"I don't think that anything can sound ridiculous in this town anymore." Lydia huffed out as I nodded my head shortly.

She has a point.

"What do you think about the concept of banshees faking their death?" I questioned, bringing my finger to my mouth, gnawing on my nail nervously.

"God, it's like the two of you are the same person!" I heard Stiles exclaim in the background. I narrowed my eyes, wondering why the two were together so late at night. And why was Lydia thinking the same thing?

"Carson, we're here in Sheriff's office, how quick can you get here?" Lydia questioned as I then smirked to myself, knowing that I have the perfect spell for that.

I closed my eyes with a short exhale, manifesting a clear image of the Sheriff's office. To try and avoid popping up in between something like I did last time, I focused on the deepest corner.

"Carson? You there?"

"Fara." I chanted. Just like before, my vision was blocked and my body had left the floor. In only a few seconds, my body had landed onto a wooden floor. I opened my eyes to see both Sheriff and Stiles watching Lydia as she was holding her phone up to her ears.

"I'm right here." I smiled, ending the call. Everybody, and I mean everybody, literally pitched out of their skins as their eyes traveled over to the sound of my voice. Lydia clutched her chest, Stiles placed on an incredulous expression, and Sheriff raced over to the door to close it.

"Jesus, Carson!" Mr. Stilinski exclaimed, leaning onto the door as he tried to catch his breath.

"You know, when Liam told me that you teleported to the rooftop on the ride home, I just thought he was confused or tired. But, Carson, you just freakin' teleported!" Stiles exclaimed, using his hands to emphasize his words.

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