{EC} 11. The Discovery

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"and the walls kept tumbling down
in the city that we love."


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"Derek just told me the Mute attacked Peter at his loft earlier today." I riddled off the text as my eyes navigated around the room, my words getting directed to whoever was listening. "And please don't think I'm completely lame for coming up with a name for our neighborhood serial killer." I added on, sending Lydia a short glance.

Lydia snorted and waved her hand at me as she noticed my glance. "Oh, it's fine. Personally, I think it's a million times better than Stiles blabbering on about the mouthless mortal slayer." Lydia replied with her lips pursed.

"Hey, I heard that!" Stiles called out from his side of the room, looking up from the bag of chains. "And I mean, who is this guy, anyway? Why is he just targeting different people with absolutely no motive?" He further questioned as a nervous hand went up to play in his hair.

"I believe the existence of Peter makes him a target." Lydia hummed as I snorted lightly.

"Maybe. But Derek said that he was after him also. And last time I checked, my dear brother never went on a mass murdering spree." I sighed aloud.

I felt absolutely terrible learning about Peter's violent history. It almost deterred me from building on our relationship. But, I would like to think we all make decisions based solely on our emotions. Decisions that doesn't really provide our more logical side any justice.

"However, the Walcotts have a pretty damning secret in their basement." I added on, staring off in thought.

"About that, Carson." Lydia prepped up as I watched her visibly swallow. "Are you okay? I mean, Scott told us about what happened at the hospital." Her eyes trained on me. I furrowed my eyebrows, leaning back onto the couch.

"What did he tell you guys exactly?" My questioned came out slowly, my eyes circling around the room.

"You know, that you just had a fight with one of your biggest fears and.." Lydia trailed off as I leaned in closer.

"Basically, you got so terrified that you were almost a wendigo's dinner." Malia let out bluntly as I gasped lowly. Stiles then turned to her, sending harsh whispers her way about being more subtle.

"Oh." My voice cracked, looking down at my fingers with a clear of my throat. "That would've certainly been one less Hale the Mute needed to kill."

"Carson, we just want to make sure you're okay." Lydia responded. "I mean, after Peter attacked me I had nightmares- for weeks. I just don't want you to let that one moment of horror rewrite your confidence or haunt you endlessly."

"Well," I pursed my lips, connecting my eyes to Lydia. "It's too late for that." My words fell as the room fell under a thick cloud of silence.

Shortly after my comment, the familiar roaring of Scott's motorbike flowed through my ears. "Scott's here." I pepped up as I announced his arrival, leaving Lydia to stalk off to the door after her concerned gaze lingered on me for a while. 

Scott is my favorite person and being around him seems to never get old.

"Yeah, and just in time for me to tell him the news." Stilinski spoke with a disappointed undertone to his voice. I rose my eyebrow as I turned to Stiles. There is always something that Stiles finds out. He truly is our team's detective.

"Hey! Is everyone here?" Scott greeted Lydia after she pulled the door open for him. Scott's eyes then landed on me as he fully entered the room, almost immediately navigating over to me. "Hey, C." He beamed with a kiss on my forehead.

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