{EC} 30. The Beginning of The End

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"it's like an avalanche, I feel myself go under
'Cause the weight of it's like hands around my neck
I never stood a chance, my heart has frozen over
And I feel like I am treading on thin ice"


⚜ • p r e s e n t ⚜ t i m e • ⚜

"Grayson." I breathed out weakly. My eyes slowly blinked as the coiled-hair man appeared out of the shadows.

Grayson then wore a sly smirk on his face, holding out his two arms.

"In the flesh, sweet pea."

My heart was beating outside of my chest as my eyes laid onto Grayson. The deputy who I held up in the woods. The deputy who wanted me to work closely alongside him because I was 'gifted'.

He knew who I was the entire time.

He has been plotting my death the entire time.

Grayson and I were holding intense eye contact and as I saw his face contort into anger, I only had one thought in mind.

"Invisique." I chanted. I watched Grayson's face fall as I was no longer visible to him. Immediately, I scrambled up to my feet and made a break for it as fast as a person who has a giant stab wound in their stomach can.

I ran. 

"You can run, Carson." Grayson called out to me as I shuffled through the dark alleyways, clutching my stomach. "But darling, you can't hide."

And he was right. Grayson was also a magic being. When using a certain amount of our power, we can see directly through a cloaking spell. But, I bet the chase is what's going to make it exciting for him. I'm sure he is going to revel in the fact that he will soon be as powerful as he once was. 

I felt hot tears pouring down my cheeks as I ran through the ruins. But after a few more moments, I felt my legs giving out. 

"Ah." I cried out as I collapsed onto the floor, dust instantly coating my hair and clothing. I inhaled deeply as I removed my blood-coated hand to take a look at the wound.

It was deep, agonizing, and borderline scarring.

As I felt an emotional breakdown coming on, Flora's previous words floated through my head.

"Now is not the time for tears."

And she was right. Now is definitely not the time for tears or to feel sorry for myself. This could quite possibly be the most important battle of my life. Well, it could actually be the last battle in my life if I were to be unsuccessful.

Which is why I need to rise to the occasion.

I need to tap into the power that has always been coursing through my body.

As I closed my eyes, I began scouring through my memories. I started from the moment I was told that I was a witch. The spells I practiced one by one, I remembered the motivation it brought me.

I then moved onto recalling the surge of energy I released after learning about my mother's death. I remembered the feeling and it was almost as if that energy was at my finger tips this very moment. The power embedded in me is way more than I have ever tapped into.

I was strong enough to be the host of a vengeful demon warrior.

I felt my adrenaline rising by the second, as every memory passed and it was exhilarating. The memories in my mind went by like a fast-forwarded movie and every emotion I experienced in those moments, I felt it ten-fold.

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