{EC} 17. Nerves

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"the darkness right in front of me
oh, it's calling out and I won't walk away"

-i. d.

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Liam's safe. But, it is a bittersweet fact that I can't say the same for her nor her boyfriend, Garrett. However, seeing her soulless body just sitting there drove a rod of fear through my chest. But as soon as I felt it, it disappeared.

For once, I wasn't afraid to defend my life.

There was no telling what Kate could've done to me. I woke up in an entirely foreign place near the remains of an assassin and after my initial shock, I felt determined. Determined to defend myself against whatever drama Kate was up to. I welcomed the confrontation, a lot different from what I did with Sean.

The thing that I know for sure is that when the lives of my loved ones are on the line, I would do anything to protect them. Even though I knew in the back of my mind that Scott was going to heal from the stab wound, it still rattled a part of me. Seeing the berserker drive that object through Scott's chest had instantly reminded me of the pain I felt watching Flora meet her demise.

I haven't said much to Scott before Chris dropped all of us to our houses. Scott didn't pressure me to say anything because he knows that I will share when I'm comfortable enough. But- share what, exactly? I don't know what to think about the entire situation. However, Kate made a valid point.

I do trust my friends and Scott... But do I really need extra protection? Literally anybody could be the assassin who finally makes it their mission to find me. The best part for them is that they won't even have to kill me. My only concern is what would happen after they delivered me to the person who is responsible for having my name on that list in the first place! That is, if they actually can successfully kidnap me.

But yet, I still can't trust it. My gut is roaring at me indicating that Kate has something else on her agenda. With that said, I just can't put my finger onto it. Which serves absolutely no purpose, if I do say so myself.

Making sure that my life is being protected would definitely boost my confidence, but agree to that at what cost? I don't know what type of spell, or enchantment, or whatever Kate needs me to do. But I'm pretty sure it's something that would help her and only her.

I let out a long exhale as I slid into a pair of sweats and a comfortable t-shirt. I began spreading my duvet onto my bed and just as I went to climb in, my phone started blaring.


The last time that I heard from Malia was right before both her and Derek made their way into the preserve. I picked my phone up in haste, pressing it to my ears.

"Hey! Is everything okay?" I questioned, staring out at nothing as I anticipated her answer.

"I think you need to call your brother." Malia's voice rushed out. I whipped around with a look of concern plastered onto my face. "We found Satomi's pack but, they were all dead." Malia started. Yikes. That's not something I wanted to hear.

"There was an injured woman with them and it was your friend who was with us back in Mexico." Malia then revealed further.

"Braeden." Her name shot out of my mouth as my body started to instantly overcome with chills. "Well, where are they now?" I warily questioned, my eyes darting around the room now.

"Derek rushed her to Beacon Memorial and I'm not sure of what happened after that."

"W-well, is she okay? I-I mean, was she like- dying?" I fired out as I then picked up my feet, scurrying around my room to find my car key.

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