{EC} 23. Bonfire

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"i wanna party and bullshit"

-r. o.

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I was currently at the sheriff's station to ensure that things weren't awkward or damaged between Deputy Paige and I. What I did to him and his office made me feel a whole lot of guilty. Now that I think of it, dropping a bomb that I knew of his magic calls for a surge of both paranoia and annoyance. I hope that he doesn't think that I freely invaded his privacy whenever I wanted by using his pendant.

"Is Deputy Paige in?"

"Aren't you supposed to be in school, Carson?" Deputy Parrish questioned as I sent a bored look over to him.

He was quite correct, though. I was supposed to be in school right now. But after such a long night, I believed that I deserved to sleep in and to not be bothered by teachers requesting the homework that I didn't even begin. I didn't exactly want to be around Scott either. When we were sharing a few words together earlier at Derek's, I found myself almost regretting the decision of a break-up. Getting a hold of my emotions is very difficult and with Scott, he's like a song I want to repeat over and over again until I know every lyric and every harmony. There was no controlling my emotions when I was with him.

"Come on, Parrish." I whined. "This isn't the first time any of us popped up here during school hours." After realizing that I had made a fair point, Parrish then began dialing the extension to Deputy Paige's office. Once Parrish had given me the okay to go, I then left his presence.

"Deputy Paige?" I called out, placing light taps onto the door that was opened.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in."

My face instantly heated due to the greeting Deputy Paige had met me with. I placed on a guilty smile, closing the door behind me as I placed my back on it. We were both sharing eye contact as I made my way over to the seat directly in front of his desk. He wasn't wearing the pendant and that was odd to me. I thought he would've been grateful that his talisman was back in his possession.

But then again, my magic, which apparently has siphoning abilities, did expose the word 'warlock' that was on it originally. I assume that isn't exactly the kind of label somebody would want to flaunt in a town where they are killing supernaturals for profit.

"So. Are you just going to continue staring?" Deputy Paige's voice pulled me out of my thoughts as I pitched.

"Look, I am terribly sorry for what happened that day! I destroyed your office and burdened you to clean it all up. I know you're a warlock and I'm sorry that I invaded your privacy-"


"But we're literally in danger okay? And by we, I mean you and I because I'm a witch, okay? Yes! I'm a witch and two other things that are too complicated to get into right now. But there is a deadpool and-"

"Carson, I-"

"I saw your name on it and I just had to make sure that it was actually you before exposing the entire freakin' supernatural world to you for no fathomable reason. And then my friends did this awful test to figure out who is this person we call the Benefactor. And the pressure was just building, and building, and building. So, I just wanted to-

"Carson! I'm not mad at you!" Grayson's voice finally registered to me as he rose it. I instantly halted my word vomit as I stared at the deputy with wide eyes. I tilted my head as I leaned closer, squinting my eyes.

"You're not?" I warily questioned, nervously rubbing my neck.

"I've known about the deadpool for a while, too." He added on, a calm look on his face.

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