{EC} 24. The Banshee of Eichen House

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"a disease of the mind, it can control you."


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In a haste, I threw my belongings down onto the floor and instantly went for the bottle of black ash from my shelf. Neither Lydia or Stiles were answering their cellphones so that I could have checked on them. To know once and for all if my suspicions were right and if all of those visions were for a reason, I am going to try a locator spell.

Out of pure uncertainty of Meredith's death, I had persuaded Lydia to grant me something of Meredith's belongings after she had collected it from Eichen House. I asked for it because somehow, I knew that this moment was going to present itself.

If Meredith is in fact alive, the ash will start to trickle towards her location. And if she isn't, it should just disperse. And I am seriously hoping that it will disperse. Because if she is alive..

I wholeheartedly believe that would make Meredith the Benefactor.

However, I would be really excited if Meredith was alive. It would give me the chance to ask her how much she knows about my father. How would she even know him if I, myself, is not familiar with him? There has been so many subliminal messages getting thrown my way, I do believe that it is a sure sign of something coming.

I crossed my legs under me as I sat in front of a map of Beacon Hills. I poured out some of the black ash and then closed my eyes. I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves because for some reason, I would feel betrayed if Meredith is in fact The Benefactor.

"Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem veras." I started to chant, holding my hands over the map. I didn't want to open my eyes, but I felt myself prying my eyes open one by one. My voice then began to shudder as I realized the black ash was starting to form a single line. "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem veras." I chanted one more time as I halted the spell.

I held my hands up to my head as I watched the line of black ash hover over the Sheriff's station. There is no possible way a locator spell would pick up on the body of a dead person. I then stood to my feet, beginning to pace up and down.

Meredith Walker.

The Banshee of Eichen House.

And now,

The Benefactor... probably.

Most likely.


If Brunski was the one who found Meredith's body, then they were somehow in cahoots when dealing with the deadpool. If Meredith was smart enough to fake her death, then that must mean, somewhere inside of her, she is still the Meredith that she was before the accident in the lake house's study.

I believe that the Meredith I communicate with in my visions is her before the accident. She is much more knowledgeable and also so freakin' bitchy. However, her bitchiness sparked another adventure idea inside of my head.

When I first came to Beacon Hills, I was adamant on learning about Talia after figuring out that Derek and I both shared the same mother. And now, I'm stuck on trying to figure out the story behind my father because Meredith somehow knows, or knew, him. She's lived in Beacon Hills practically her entire life, he must've been here as well.

I pitched out of my thoughts at the sound of my phone blaring. I scrambled around as I quickly pulled the phone into my hand, hoping that it was a returned call.


I silently praised as I then tapped onto my screen, pulling the phone up to my ear as I answered.

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