{EC} 16. No One Else Dies

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"i'm fired up and tired of the way that things have been"

-i. d.

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As we got inside, Scott quickly located his father who seems to be ahead of all of the investigative work behind Violet's and Garrett's crimes. My eyes then found Deputy Paige who was busy working behind his desk.

"You could be a protégé of mine." Deputy Paige's previous words echoed through my head. The offer sounded compelling, but what am I going to do if all of our hands are tied with this dead pool? Solve theft cases?

"We're taking her now." Agent McCall's voice traveled through my ears as my eyes bulged out of my head. What does he mean "we"? Agent McCall is going to be in the car that she's being transported in?

"Dad, isn't  that a little dangerous? I mean, Garrett's still out there. Maybe we should let someone else do it." Scott pressed as he followed his father through the station, my steps now tracking behind them.

"And since you're the person who knows so much about this case, you should be here in the event they find something." I interjected, Scott and I glancing at each other knowingly.

"I appreciate the concern, but after what happened with Katashi and losing evidence off an armored truck, I'm not letting this out of my sight." Agent McCall sternly informed us. I felt a dropping feeling in my stomach as I realized we were the reason for that. Scott and I stopped in our tracks as Agent McCall paused, then turning around to us.

"And if you're still worried, you should know I've got Beacon Hills' finest coming with us." He concluded, his eyes looking elsewhere. As we turned to see what his sight was now focused on, a handcuffed Violet who was being escorted by Sheriff Stilinski fell into our view.

A look of disgust was etched onto my face as Violet held a devious smirk whilst she eyed both Scott and I down.

"Fine." Scott said to his father who then dismissed himself from our presence. His sight then fell on me as I simply shrugged.

"I guess it's now or never." I muttered, Scott and I leaving the station.

As we got into Garrett's jeep, I immediately went to the back seat, trying to figure a way out of this that doesn't include Liam dying from a poisoned cut. I saw what that species of wolfsbane did to Brett, and it didn't look pretty. Even until today, he was still out of it. We needed him to try and locate his pack, but Derek looked to Malia for help instead. She is the only know who knows the woods like the back of the hand, well, she was living there for a good part of her life.

"We could make a pretty good team, don't you guys think?" Garrett let out, his words taking a dark humor undertone.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"You're right. That couldn't have worked because, you know, you guys are on the list that's getting shorter and shorter.."

I groaned, staring at him through the rear view mirror. "Stop. Talking."

Garrett parked the jeep alongside the street, waiting for the transport van to pass. The sound of a case opening then gained my attention as I looked over to Scott's lap. It was a gun.

"This is not going to work." Scott deadpanned, his eyes glued to the weapon before him. I scratched my head nervously. I'm just getting accustomed to using claws, a gun would cause a huge disaster if placed in my hands. I've only held a gun once and that was only because Braeden needed me to hold it whilst she reloaded the rest of hers.

"All you guys have to do is stop the car. I'll take care of the rest." Garrett responded, his eyes on Scott intently. Shortly after, the jeep that held Violet came zooming down the water-covered street.

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