18. The Oni Said to Carson

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"Carson." Stiles said with a smile. 

I stared at him blankly as I took a deep sigh, tilting my head. "You've been quite a busy one." I said with a sad tone. 

"The sun is soon setting, why did you come here?" Stiles questioned, a weary expression on his face. I swallowed thickly, looking past him as I stared out the windows of my brother's vacant loft. All that I can think of is the fact that I was the piece that needed to be discarded before he got checkmate. What plans does the Nogitsune have for me exactly? I decided to leave his question without a response, not wanting to implicate anything that may tarnish our plans. Mr. Stilinski then pulled out his handcuffs, staring over at Stiles.

"You want to handcuff me?" Stiles questioned, his voice wavering. Everything that was going on right now, it all seemed like it was authentically Stiles. If an Oni wasn't on the inside of me, I probably was going to think that it actually was only Stiles in the front of us now. But because of the uncontrollable rattling noise that's on the inside of my head due to the Oni itching to come out because I'm in the presence of the nogitsune, I was going to think otherwise.  

"If my son is still here," Mr. Stilinski started to speak, navigating down the stairs. My feet fell frozen as I stood in my position at the top of the stairs, too nervous to even get closer to Stiles. "if there's still a part of him standing here in front of me, then he'll put these on willingly and he'll come with me, because he knows I'm here to protect him." He continued as he then unlatched the cuffs. "From himself, and from others." He concluded as Stiles' gaze switched to me after the words "from others" left the mouth of his father. I shook my head at him slowly.

"We're not you're enemies, Stiles." I bargained, knowing that it was completely useless anyway. Stiles then proceeded to hold his wrists up, allowing his father to place the cold metal cuffs around them. 

At that very moment, there was a voice that caused every strand of hair on my body to stand. "Carson, he's here." I heard as I looked around frantically, wondering where the voice had came from. As I looked forward, toward the father and son pair, Stiles simultaneously looked up with a sinister look. "The nogitsune." The voice sounded yet again as I felt my fingers starting to shake. 

It was the Oni within me, it was speaking to me. They can do that now?

"You're not my son." Sheriff spoke as Stiles broke the cuffs, leaving them to fall to the ground in pieces. On cue, Derek, Chris and Allison all walked into the room, leaving Stiles to smirk. 

"Phasmatos oculacs." I heard a voice from the shadows mutter, leaving Ava to then walk out. I shook my head heavily, wondering how the hell we all ended up here. 

I sucked in a breath as I turned the other way, my fingers slightly fidgeting. The Oni was itching to come out and I soon won't have control over it, I know it.  I pulled my hands up to my head, shaking my head. "No, not yet. We can save him." I whimpered, trying to communicate to the Oni as I heard violent whispers rattle through my head. 

"Carson, you're not looking quite okay up there." Stiles sinisterly spoke to me as I felt my fingers tremble. There was a look of realization that then dawned onto his face. "You can hear them." He spoke, staring at me with wide eyes. Allison then raised her stun gun towards Stiles, quickly firing it. Just as quickly as she fired it, Stiles quickly grabbed the static-laced wires with no pain in his eyes.

 Just as quickly as she fired it, Stiles quickly grabbed the static-laced wires with no pain in his eyes

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