{EC} 1. On Edge

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" so you wanna play with magic?
boy, you should know what you're falling for."

-k. perry

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"I should be over all the butterflies, I'm into you. And baby even on our worst nights, I'm into you." I sang along to the music flowing through my earphones as I jogged down a trail in the Beacon Hills Preserve, leaving the Hale House. Uncle Alan was calling me, but truthfully, I wasn't in the spirit to engage in conversations at this moment. I exhaled slowly, pacing myself as I felt my grown pony tail bounce on my back.

The Hale House is where Derek trains me, but it's also one of my escapes when Derek isn't there. I'll admit, what I do at the Hale House when I'm alone, is very unhealthy. But honestly, I can't get enough of it. I made it kind of like a sanctuary for me, somewhere I can feel at peace. I also casted an illusion spell over it, so that to me or whoever I'm with, the house would look exactly how it was and feel the furniture before it all got burnt to pieces. I would lie down in the bed that sits in a bedroom that was previously my mother's. Many of times when I felt strong enough, I would cast a memory projection spell to see how my mom cooperated with the other half of our family. My mother kept a lot of secrets from me, and it seemed as if she was in two places at once.

Tonight will be my third full moon, making me a 3-month old werewolf. While becoming a werewolf was immensely foreign and confusing, Derek and Uncle Alan informed me that I had turned because of Scott's claws. Apparently, you can get turned by a scratch. When he had punctured his claws in the back of my neck, the claws of an alpha triggered the wolf line that was in my blood because of my mother. While I thought that I was going to be an emissary to Scott's pack, I ended up being a beta.

Even though I am Scott's beta, I haven't really been apart of his pack as of late. I asked Derek to take the initiative of teaching me how to be a wolf and everything that relates to controlling my shifting, and he gladly agreed.. My mood swings has been on an elevated scale ever since, almost anything triggering my anger. Derek was one of the people who I told everything to. The bond between us was so healthy, and I am extremely grateful for having an actual sibling who cared for me. Derek made sure note that if I ever shift and he's not there, ensure that I anchor myself onto something that means a great deal to me. Frankly, that number has shrunken.

I sort of cut ties with everybody.

While we're still cordial, I haven't been all cuddly with everyone. Of course I still speak to Ava, though. It's my belief that nothing can even come near to severing our bond. Flora's death had cut us both deep, but it only propelled me to understand that unfortunate things happen to the people around me. So to avoid anymore hurt, I wanted to lower that number.

On a more surprising note, I found myself conversing with Braeden more, who's off on some mission only God knows where. I have also been keeping myself occupied, jogging becoming one of my methods along with.

I could've felt everything around me. As a witch, the vibe and aura of a place or a person will always be prominent to me. Now as a werewolf, which basically boosted my already extraordinary abilities, I can sense when something enters my proximity or when I'm around something foreign. And this is what I'm sensing at this very moment.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I then turned down my music to hear fast footsteps approaching behind me. I stopped abruptly as I then swiftly turned on my feet, grabbing the person's arm and holding them up against the tree. "Who are you and why are you following me?" I asked, my pants coming out heavily due to my previous jogging.

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