11. MRI

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Sitting in a hospital, a place where dead bodies call home will always freak me out. However, the fact that I'm here right now- holding onto Stiles' hand as he slept silently, made all of that totally irrelevant. I stared down at him, his face was now cleaned up- not a single speckle of dirt in sight. Last night, hearing him scream and seeing him scramble around the floor as if there was something trying to take him was scarring, but not as scarring as my dreams. Stiles is one of my greatest friends that I met here in Beacon Hills, but I have never felt closer to him like I do now. I rolled my neck around, trying to ignore the rattling going on on the inside of my head, as if there were tiny bits covered in chains- waiting to be freed.

I had told Uncle Alan and Aunt Marin everything that happened, from my recent hallucinations straight up to my newfound demonic ninja possession. It slowly feels like I'm losing my mind, but Uncle Alan is really helping with this whole situation. Last night after I got home, during our conversation he mentioned something about a plant that poisons a Fox. I'm not sure what that means, but he definitely knows what he's talking about.

Ava is also here in her own room at the hospital, recovering from her hypothermic scene. I was initially going to be in her room but after Stiles began whimpering when I removed myself from his presence, Sheriff Stilinski made it clear that it's best if I stay in the room with him. Stiles was holding onto my hand tightly, every now and then his eyes would scrunch up, his hold would tighten and after a few moments everything would relax. The conversation that was held last night between the Sheriff and my boyfriend's parents about the connections that were made in order to find Stiles was drowned out. But obviously, Agent McCall had to note that Flora and I finding both Stiles and Ava was 'highly suspicious', which only resulted in Scott defending my best friend and I by scolding him and insisting that we're capable of doing just as much as he does.

To be perfectly honest, I was too caught up in trying to comfort Stiles to realize that Agent McCall and Melissa had just popped up out of no where without any of us letting them know that we had found Stiles. I'm not sure how they figured it out, but either way it was amazing that they did. The hollow walls of this hospital allowed me to hear the rather depressing conversation going on between Stiles' father and Melissa. The door to the room we were in was left ajar, allowing me to see the sheer sadness etched onto Sheriff's face as he listed off the symptoms.

The symptoms that he recalled were also the symptoms that led Stiles' mother to her heartbreaking death. I did not know her, but I do know that losing your mother is not something that you can just set aside. And in Stiles' case, especially when your symptoms are corresponding to her symptoms that fell under her diagnosis, Frontotemporal Dementia.

Obviously because of the symptoms being so similar, they are going to run an MRI test on Stiles just to be sure. But even though that sounds terrifying, it doesn't quite match the nerving thrills that went through my body as I heard some sort of spirit talking to Stiles last night. It was as if it was harassing him- playing mind games with my friend who was under an illusion because of my other friend. What if that spirit also got inside of Ava's head?

I'm not entirely too sure how I was able to hear the voice that was in Stiles' mind. Maybe it was because of the Oni that is subconsciously living on the inside of me. I'm rather proud of myself for holding the Oni from coming out back at the reserve last night. Only God knows what harm it would have done using my magic if it had managed to break free.

I wasn't sure when Stiles' father and Melissa's conversation ended, but Melissa was now in the room standing next to me- rubbing circles into my back. "Hey, we're gonna run some tests on Stiles. Maybe you'd want to go for a walk until everything's set up?" Melissa suggested as I swallowed thickly, nodding.

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