4. Release

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"I take it as you're Carson?" Braeden questioned as I walked up to her, holding onto the flaps of my jacket. After a whole lot of protesting and arguing, I finally got to leave the school and go along with Braeden to Mexico to help save Derek and Peter. 

I didn't tell Scott and the rest where I was going, but the day has already been eventful enough- hopefully nothing else may happen.

"I know you may think I'm just a teenager, but Peter and Derek are my family. I've gotten word that you were only instructed to save one, that's fine by me unless you let me come and I'll save Peter as you save Derek. Also, I will provide all of us protection." I bargained, narrowing my eyes at Braeden who simply smirked.

She then held up her own personal machine gun, loading up a round. "It's sweet that you care about your family enough to cross the boarder. But I think I have all the protection I need." Braeden countered as I sighed, walking over to the motorcycle, picking up a helmet.

"I wasn't asking." I rose an eyebrow holding the helmet close to me. Braeden simply laughed as she placed the gun around her body, picking up a helmet for herself.

"Marin told me you're a witch." Braeden said as she then hopped onto her motorcycle, leaving me to follow behind. 

What the hell is it with Aunt Marin and telling people about my magic. The first time she really crossed the line was when she told Deucalion that I had lost my magic- now she just went all willy-nilly and told Braeden about my abilities without my permission!

"Let's just hope those abilities came in handy."

The drive was much shorter than I expected, probably because I was filled with adrenaline and anticipation. I haven't been on a motorcycle in months and also, we were on our way to save my family. Only two hours ago, a coyote nearly attacked me but now I'm in Mexico in pursuit of my brother and uncle. 

If I was a werewolf, I would basically be walking into a suicide mission.

It was the Calaveras who captured Peter and Derek. A Mexican family that honors the same code that the Argents does, but with a bit more ferocity. Their leader is Araya, and I am still without knowledge why they would want to take Peter and Derek, chaining them to a fence solely to electrocute them. 

For one, I know that being electrocuted isn't fun- seeing that I experienced a similar feeling this morning during my little hallucination. But on the bright side, it helped me to know that the two Hale wolves were in trouble.

"When we go in there, head straight for Peter and Derek. I'll deal with any Calavera." Braeden spoke as we both came off the motorcycle.

Just then, my phone started buzzing in my pocket, leaving me to look down at the screen of the small device. "Hold on, I have to take this." I groaned slightly as I saw Scott's name on the screen. I know that Derek and Peter aren't dead, but I don't know how much time we have left. Scott betters make this call worth it. "Hello?"

"Carson! Thank God you picked up. We need you and I asked Flora where you went, but she said that you went home to recollect." Scott said as I almost instantly face palmed. Flora is a terrible liar! "I knew she was lying Carson, I didn't even have to go to your house to know that. Carson, where are you?" He asked, a serious tone taking over his voice. I silently cursed under my breath.

I took a deep breath, "Don't be mad. I'm in Mexico." I breathed out, chewing onto my lip.

The phone line went silent for a short moment before Scott's voice boomed through the speaker. "M-mexico! Please tell me that's some Mexican restaurant here in Beacon Hills." Scott said as I pulled a hand up to my head.

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