23. Love, Flora

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My phone was blaring, but it continuously was drowned out by the growls that were uncontrollably escaping my mouth. "Carson! Try to gain control." I heard Scott yell as he pinned me to a wall. In response, I roared inside of his face, swinging a clawed hand his way.

"I want to kill him." A malicious voice escaped my mouth as I watched my glowing eyes reflect in Scott's. "I want the Nogitsune to PAY FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE!" I shouted. The sight of Flora's lifeless body on the floor had drove me insane- to a point where I even shifted into something that I thought would never happen. This strength, the ability to hear, move and function at such an accelerated pace makes my blood rush.

I sent one last roar to Scott as I then pushed him onto the floor, taking off running. The unmistakable sound of an arrow was heading my way, leaving me to stop in my place- eyeing it as it headed towards me. It felt like I had all of the time in the world to catch it, this must be the supernatural reflexes. I growled lowly as I then clutched the arrow in my hand, glaring over at Mr. Argent.

"Ah!" I then screamed out as the arrowhead then exploded into bright bolts, leaving me to drop the arrow. I stumbled back as I waved in front of me- completely blind as to where I was going. However, if this was something meant to tame me- it only aggravated me more.

"I got you, I got you." I then heard Scott's voice as I then sent a side kick into the direction of the voice. I heard Scott groan as I finally got my full sight back, looking into the direction of where the arrow came from. As I went to charge towards Mr. Argent, the sight of my Uncle Alan and Isaac bringing Flora's soulless body out of the compound, brought me to an automatic halt. The only sound that was audible was my breaths slowing down as I felt warm tears trickle down my cheek.

Seeing her body brought back flashes of watching the katana impale her, immediately pulling me out of my raged and blood-lusting state. I was fully shifted back to human and I felt my knees go weak. I walked over to the gate as I leaned onto it, watching them load Flora's body into the car. Not too long ago, my best friend and someone who I grew to love, they both died trying to save me and protect themselves from me simultaneously.

Uncle Alan then walked towards me, his hands brushing over my sweat-coated forehead. I frowned as I looked up at him- only for him to bring me into a tight hug. I'm not sure who called Uncle Alan, but I'm glad that he was here. I looked over to Mr. Argent who was off into the corner, trying to recollect his emotions that were put on hold due to my shifting. Mr. Argent was there- he saw the sight of his own daughter's body, lifeless- but that is nothing I can say about Serafina, Flora's mother.

"How do I even tell Serafina?" I whimpered, staring at my Uncle Alan as he leaned onto his car- where Flora's lifeless body was.

She entrusted the life of her daughter in our hands and I can't even fathom a way to properly deliver such morbid and disheartening information. While so many things happened tonight, the thing that I'm most confused about is the fact that I became a werewolf. I'm not even sure how the hell that happened. My phone started to blare yet again, leaving me to finally look down at it.

As if she could have heard me speaking about her, my caller ID revealed that it sure enough was Serafina. A pit formed in my stomach as I hesitantly pressed on the green button, holding the phone up to my ear. "Serafina-"

"My daughter is no longer with us, is she?" Her voice sounded as I held onto the gate, my head lowering. "It's okay, Carson." Serafina spoke as I then clenched onto the bar of the gate, my chest being weighed down with immense guilt and depression.

"No, Serafina- it isn't!" I cried through the phone as I then rolled over, leaning onto my back as I sobbed silently. "I'm so sorry that this happened! Right when I thought we were one step closer, we go three steps back." I breathed out, shaking my head.

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