1. Hallucinations

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I was running, faster than I ever have in my life. But why was I running? My house back in Beacon Hills then made an appearance in the front of me as I burst through the door, slamming it behind me. I panted heavily as I placed my back against it, pressing my weight onto it as I heard the splinters of the wood crack under the pressure of the person's feet. My eyes widened as I watched a thick mass of black fog seep from under it, soon clouding me. I heard the knob of the front door turning, which then caused me to jolt up from the door, stumbling up the stairs. I took a risk and glanced back to see the same thick fog with two yellow glowing dots following closely behind me. As I went into my room, I headed straight towards my shelf of spell ingredients, only to find that it was empty.

Where was everything? As I turned back around, the huge tree stump was situated in the middle of the room with Miss Blake's body lying onto it lifeless. I brought a hand up to my mouth as I slowly shuffled around the nemeton, my eyes not daring to leave her body. Her heart was lying right next to her and her head was turned at an irregular angle. I moved closer to it, only to have her body pitch up as vines wrapped around my body tightly.

I let out a high-pitched scream as I tried to break free. "Carson?" I heard someone calling my name as I felt hot tears pouring down my face. "CARSON!" The person shouted once more as I jolted up inside the bed, panting heavily.

I looked around my surroundings to see that I was in a guy's room. "Are you okay?" Scott asked warily as I looked at him, nothing being able to splutter out of my mouth. So I simply nodded, swinging my legs to the side of the bed. Scott was shirtless and his sweats were loosely hanging from his waist. "You're gonna be okay." He cooed, pulling me in for a kiss.

I was all too disheveled, I pitched up from the bed as I stumbled backwards slightly. "I'm just gonna.. I'm just gonna wash my face to clear my mind." I spoke as my voice was barely above a whisper. I sighed as I pushed the door, instantly cringing as my sock-covered feet stepped into a puddle of water. The whole bathroom was flooded, leaving me to groan silently as I finally located the source of all the water. The bathtub was overflowing, yet the shower curtains were pulled closed and I was all too wary to pull it open. I sucked in a deep breath as I crept up to the curtain, my frail and shaky fingers wrapping around it. I pulled it back to see that there was nothing in the water.

I sighed as I turned around, in search of the plunger. My eyes widened in shock as my eyes fell onto Stiles. "Are you okay, Stiles? What are you doing here?" I questioned, looking at him skeptically. There were dark circles under his eyes, as if he hasn't slept for days. His skin was way more paler than usual, and he looked frail and weak. The fact that his shirt was sliced open, revealing a wound didn't make it any better. "I think you should go on home, Stiles." I said softly as I gently rose my hand, only for him to snatch it harshly.

"You think you're gonna just beat me, huh? You think you can beat me at my own game?" Stiles' voice came out malicious and it was sinister. I shook my head furiously as I stared up at him, confused beyond words.

"St-Stiles, I don't- ow!" I cried out in pain as he then gripped onto my other hand. "Stiles I don't know what you're talking about." I exclaimed as he then forcefully pushed me back. "Stiles, please stop you're scaring me!" I shouted as I then felt my foot get caught up in the rug, resulting into me falling into the tub. My head fully went under water as I clenched my eyes tightly closed until I resurfaced.

"You can't kill me." Stiles' voice lastly rang in my head as both of his pale hands gripped around my neck, pressing down onto the base of my neck.

"Scott!" I cried out as I tried to thrash underneath his hold. My magic wasn't working, it felt like I was trapped in oblivion and I had nothing on my side to held defend me. I felt the oxygen being blocked off as Stiles held his fingers to my throat, continuously cutting off my supply of air.

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