3. Wild Coyotes and Wild Thoughts

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I then pulled up in the front of the school, taking a few breathers before unlocking the doors, getting ready to leave the vehicle. I have no idea how I'm going to explain myself walking into a power station whiles I was sleeping. It just doesn't make sense, not even to me. Secondly, this is such a grand way to start my morning off. This is the day that I chose to go back to school, to face Scott and the rest of my friends whom I haven't seen yet.

Deciding to forget all of the troubles of today, I simply shook my head and pulled my keys out of the ignition, stepping out of the vehicle. Almost immediately, the pole light above me exploded into bolts of electricity and shards of glass, leaving it to shower over me as I gasped. As I looked up at the pole, the feeling of electricity ran through me as I groaned out loud, clutching onto the door of the car as I closed my eyes tightly.

Once the electric shock stopped, I peeled my eyes opened to see a severed finger mounted into the ground by the claw that was surrounded by a pool of blood. I narrowed my eyes as I knelt down to it, eyeing it suspiciously. I then picked it up and almost immediately, a vision of Peter infiltrated my mind. He was shirtless and latched against a fence next to Derek. I then let the finger fall from my hand, causing me to shot up. I then felt my body swaying, feeling a bit light headed as a loud ringing sound then made its way into my head, causing me to grip onto it.

"Carson?" Someone shouted as my eyes then pitched open, leaving my gasping for breath. Once I collected my bearings, I realized that I was still inside of the car, but the door was wide open. "I thought that the car looked familiar." I heard a familiar male voice as my eyes shot up to look at him. It instantly calmed my nerves as I noticed that it was only Danny.

I smiled brightly as I stepped out of the car to bring him into a tight embrace. Danny was one of my few friends, but we weren't as close as I was with Lydia and the rest. We would just casually talk here and there. "Danny." I grinned, pulling away from the hug.

"Welcome back, and nice haircut." He smiled as I nodded, touching the shorter strands of my hair.

"It just kind of happened." I chuckled. "But, thank you." I added on, not forgetting to thank him for the compliment and for the welcoming. He then bid his goodbyes and went walking up the stairs of the school. I swallowed thickly, staring up at the pole light that was hovering over my head. It was in perfect shape, the glass wasn't shattered-- there was nothing wrong. I then looked down at the floor, letting a sigh out as I discovered that there wasn't any severed finger or any pool of blood. Way to go Carson, two strange happenings for the morning.

Today is certainly going to be a long one.


"You drove to a power station while you were asleep?" Flora questioned as I nodded, frowning slightly. When I reached to the stairs of the school, Ava and Flora were literally at the front doors waiting on me. They both ambushed me with hugs, stating that I was gone from the twilight hours.

Aunt Marin was sitting there in deep thought, staring up at me. "You're not only hallucinating, but you're going to places that you've never been before. Like Ava said before, Carson your bean-nighe abilities are progressing. But I'm just not sure if this progressive stage is related to predicting deaths yet." She spoke as I chewed on my lip. "I know that this is really important right now, but you're still a teenager and you need your education." Aunt Marin added with a small smile.

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