16. Yukimara

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I am livid.

I paced around Kira's room with crossed arms and an extremely hard expression on my face. Everyone in the room, Scott, Flora and Kira, all stared at me as they waited on a response. I never was the one to play the blaming game, but this whole nogitsune business- it seems like it derived from the Yukimara clan.

"So you're saying that this is not you in this photo?" I pressed, holding the photo of Kira and a male in front of her.

"I'm serious! This has to be my grandmother." Kira spoke as she scanned the photo over again. I glared over at her, shaking my head. The lady in the photo is a legit splitting image of Kira, only twins have such identical features! My aunt and uncle taught me to use my magic only when needed, but right now, I am seriously aching to use an aura spell!

"Carson, the date at the back of the picture literally says 1943. How can you possibly expect that to be Kira!" Flora exclaimed, defending her girlfriend- or whatever Kira is to her.

"Flora," I mocked the way she called my name at the beginning of her sentence. "we literally just learned about this whole kitsune thing. We don't know how long they can live- neither if they are even mortals! Witches can live for centuries and I'd be damned if I don't believe someone who can suck up electricity can't also live that long." I growled, feeling my body finally start to heat up.

"Hey!" Scott called out as he finally stood up, grabbing my arms. "Give us a second, guys. I'm sorry." He apologized, mainly to Kira. Scott carried me outside Kira's room and by the look on his face alone, it had already softened me up. "What was that in there?"

I took a deep breathe in and then release it as I dragged my hands over my face. "I-I don't know, Scott. I am just sick and tired of all of the jokes- all of the tricks, and madness that's going on right now!" I ranted as I felt my eyes well up with tears- but they were more so filled with anger. "I think we finally found the root of all the nogitsune drama- but you guys are making it seem like I'm crazy!" I exclaimed, covering my face shortly, staring at the floor.

"Carson- babe," Scott held my chin up- but I refused to look at him with such hurt in my eyes. I don't want him to see me this way. "hey look at me." He said as he finally got me to look at him- his thumb catching a fray teardrop. "Nobody thinks you're crazy, your approach is just not like you- in any way. You have to remember that Kira is new to being a kitsune as well, and I doubt that kitsunes get to live as long as witches! We're all on your side." Scott finished as he pressed a warm kiss to my forehead.

"There's just so much going on and . ." I trailed off as Scott simply pulled me in for a hug. His sudden act of comfort brought even more tears to my eyes as I realized how lucky I am to be with someone who is so understanding- so caring.

"I don't want to lose my best friends." I whispered, clenching my eyes closed as I cried.

"You're not going to- I promise you, you're not going to." Scott spoke as he pulled away, wiping away my tears that didn't spill over onto his shirt. "Now we're gonna go in there, and figure everything out so that we can make sure what we don't want to happen- won't." Scott said with a light voice as I sniffed softly, nodding. I traveled through the door that he had opened for me and my glossy eyes immediately connected with Kira's.

"Kira I am so incredibly sorry for how I acted." I shook my head, navigating over to her as I took a seat. "I-I just got so angry that it blinded me that something  as bizarre as that can happen in this world. I forgot that you are also so new to this- and that you may also be in the dark when it comes to some possible family secrets. I'm just so sorry." I apologized sincerely, as Kira brought me into a tight embrace.

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