12. Breakdown

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"How would we know if she's not herself?"

"Is she herself now?"

I pursed my lips as I slid the curling wand out of the last curled lock before switching it off and pulling the plug out. For some reason, Ava and Flora somehow forgot that this house is made up of such hollow walls and their conversation about my mental state and I slips right through them. I didn't sleep last night or the night before. Maybe it's because I kept having flashbacks about my time at the hospital. Stiles becoming void, Isaac being rolled in on a gurney and realizing that the lady in the elevator, Noshiko, was Kira's mother.

After the conversation with Noshiko and Stiles, everything went completely hazy. From what I got from Scott, there was a loose sparked wire that electrocuted half of the parking lot's population, including Isaac, and then Kira did one of her electric-girl tricks yet again and tamed the wire, with her bare hands I must add.

Imagine how many people saw her.

The events that happened in the elevator with Noshiko really left me baffled, and so did Stiles. He wasn't himself, it was the person in my dreams brought into reality- minus the trying to kill me part. Not only did the Oni talk through me, but it also got control over my magic which makes me wonder how lethal I can be with my natural powers under the influence of a Japanese ninja.

Maybe they saw it fit to reside in me because of the raging wrath that floods over me due to my almost-uncontrollable emotions. Since the elevator encounter, the death of Jennifer replays in my mind constantly and I'm very near to regretting that act.

What made everything worse is that Stiles left, and he didn't even leave one single clue or trail as to where he could have went. The only person I found fit to talk about this situation to is my Uncle Alan, and he's out of town- going to be back tonight. If something like at the hospital happened again, he gave me specific instructions that I have no choice but to follow.

I cleared my throat as I walked out of the bedroom with my bag in hand. "Have you guys heard anything about Stiles?" I questioned as the three of us then traveled down the stairs one after the other. I didn't get to speak to Scott this morning due to me being a bit down, well both of us are actually.

"Well, I spoke to Kira and she said that they're still looking for him." Flora started as I nodded, pulling down my keys from the rack. "It's past the 48-hour mark, but I guess if anyone's gonna be missing for two days and turn up just fine, it's Stiles." She informed me with a light chuckle on the end as I joined her.

"What about Isaac?" I questioned. Isaac and I aren't too close but he did stop an arrow from going through my head when I came back to Beacon Hills. So I suppose that initiated a friendship between the two of us. I watched as Ava pulled the keys away from my grasp, walking ahead of me as we both headed towards the front door of the house to leave.

"Maybe we should just go by the hospital before school." Ava suggested as I nodded, shuffling out of the house with my bag hoisted on my shoulder. Ava, Flora, and I all piled into the car, reversing out as we made our way down the sun splotched road. The silence embedded in the car ride was deafening, and as it was deafening, it was also irritating.

"When will we speak about it?" I questioned, looking between my fellow witches. I was sat in the passenger's seat, with the target of my conversation behind the wheel. We have been so caught up with Stiles going missing, we didn't even acknowledge that Ava herself was in the hospital- possibly a pawn in the Nogitsune's game as well.

I shook my head in disdain as my best friends opted out on answering my claim. In response, I still carried on.

"We all know that Ava was not out there, freezing- by the way, on her own free will. Ava, if I have an Oni inside of me, then what does that mean for you?" I questioned with narrowed eyes, my head turning to settle my sight on her. This is when I took in her appearance, her once straightened hair now crimpy due to the lack of maintenance, the whiteness around her knuckles because of her tight grip on the wheel.

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