{EC} 32. When The Dust Settles

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"hush, my dear, it's been a difficult year
And terrors don't prey on innocent victims."

-i. d

⚜ • third person p.o.v. • ⚜

Everybody was shaken by the violent rumbling that was coming from the ruins. One by one, they all escaped the collapsing temple with escalated heart rates.

"Scott?!" Braeden called out to him as she noticed them all escaping in haste. "What the hell happened in there?"

Scott stopped his tracks a few paces away from Braeden as hunched over, holding onto his knees while catching his breath.

"Carson-" Scott started his story telling to be almost instantly cut off by Braeden.

"Where is Carson?" She asked harshly, her eyes switching between Scott and the temple.

"What do you mean? She is right-" Scott then turned around, standing up straightly. "behind me.." He trailed off absently as he realized there were only thick clouds of dust behind him.

"No." Scott breathed out, his hands flying up to his head. "I have to go back!"

As soon as Scott began darting towards the temple, the main entrance collapsed with a thunderous roar. Scott's feet were brought to a staggering halt as the dust blew up in his face.

"No." Scott said yet again, his voice barely above a whisper. His steps were going backwards aimlessly, not sure of what to do yet. "But she was.. she was right behind me." He breathed out has he felt his the hairs on his arms stand up out of angst.

The temple wasn't stable and if the top of it was collapsing, there's no telling what's happening below. Everyone was staring at the temple somberly, a thick silence settling over them.

They knew that she had taken Grayson down, but the bitter fact that they were beginning to face was that maybe Grayson took her down with him. The lightning that rode along Carson's arms was the cause of such ruckus and nobody had any idea on what to do next.

"We have to go down there." Braeden's voice cracked. An unruly tear escaped her eye which then cause her to look away with tightly clenched eyes.

Braeden hated crying. She always decided against letting herself get close to anyone to avoid this same predicament. Her line of work could get dirty. She doesn't want to feel pain, and she doesn't want to be the cause of someone else's.

"Damn you, Carson." Braeden cursed under her breath as more tears trickled down.

"The only entrance is completely demolished." Stiles stated the obvious, not knowing which alley to take. "M-maybe if we start removing the rocks?"

"When the dust settles, something hopeful will reveal itself." Scott said definitively.

The outside of the ruins were in shambles. Bullet casings, injured and even defeated men- they were all scattered across the floor.

Chris managed to subdue Kate and as for her berserkers, it was safe to say that they are no longer able to follow Kate if she decides to wreak havoc again.

Soon, there were footsteps approaching that pulled everybody's attention away from the collapsed temple. Stiles was the first to react as he registered to the dire situation at hand.

"Derek?!" Stiles called out in disbelief. He then took a few steps towards him as he held his hands up in confusion. "You-you're here! But Carson-" He stuttered as Derek's expression descended into a frown.

Derek's aura was completely different. His body was sculpted to perfection and was the embodiment of strength. He was brooding confidence but yet, there was a quick descent in his emotions as he realized his sister was the only person missing.

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