{EC} 14. He Missed

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starting right now i'll be strong.

- r. p.

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After getting such a crucial tip from Liam, I feel a bit more confident in attending this game tonight. I wasn't very acquainted with Garret, actually, I wasn't acquainted with him at all. It honestly sends chills down my spine knowing that he was at the exact party as my friends and I, and quite possibly plotting our deaths. But what makes me feel less scared is that he knows damn well he can't take on an alpha- especially when his girlfriend has a knack of finding out whenever he is in trouble.

However, the vision of seeing a lacrosse player on the floor still lives at the back of my head.

"Carson, hey!" Lydia's voice came through my cellphone after she finally answered.

"Hey! I don't want it to sound like I'm rushing you or anything, but, how far on you on cracking that second list? Malia told me about how you guys were trying to contact Meredith." I questioned, looking outside of my car.

There were piles of supporters for both teams heading to the school's field to watch tonight's scrimmage. All of their worries tonight are focused on their team hopefully winning tonight's match. Unfortunately, my worries were about figuring out if Liam is on that list and if Garret actually is the killer.

"Actually, I'm heading down to the station right now. Parrish gave me a call and said she was there." Lydia informed me as my eyebrows knitted together.

"Wait, what? So, she just walked out of Eichen herself or did she escape? Because I remember that asshole Brunski and he isn't the type to just allow the patients to walk out by themselves." I replied, finally getting out of my vehicle to head to the field myself.

"More than likely she escaped like the first time she just popped up at the school. I'm about to leave the house now." Lydia continued as I nodded along to her words. "Tell our star players I said good luck!"

"Okay, I'll tell them. And keep me posted!" I said into my cellphone before hanging up.

My eyes scanned around the field to see different lacrosse players lounging around before the game starts. I quickly spotted Scott, Kira, and Stiles sitting on our team's bench conversing amongst themselves.

"Hey!" I called out as I finally reached the bench, Scott instantly getting up to hug me. We shared a quick peck on the lips as he went to sit back down on the bench. "Lydia wished you guys to have a good game. God knows we need good wishes from a banshee." I breathed out as they nodded.

"Kira? Are you alright?" I called out to her as it looked like she was lost in her own thoughts.

"She's just really nervous about her first game that just so happens to be shared with a person eliminating people like her." Stiles replied for her as I then placed a hand onto her shoulder.

"You'll be great, sweetheart. All of you." I smiled, my gaze then switching over to the guys.

"Hey, I don't want to jinx anything, but.." Kira started, playing with the net on her stick. Her almond-shaped eyes then scrunched up a bit from her biting her lips. "Did you.. you know, predict anything?" She questioned. Scott and Stiles' eyes then looked over to me as I swallowed thickly.

I looked back to see the color of the jerseys the opposing team was wearing. They were green.

I shook my head slowly. "I don't know what it was for sure, but I saw a body laying down in the locker room-"

"Wait, you saw a body?" Stiles exclaimed with a harsh whisper.

"No, not an actual body. It was just some sort of vision. I'm sorry, but I can't really say that I know what it meant. But.. what I can say is, avoid the locker room after tonight's game." I warned my friends as they all nodded.

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