5. Fire Alarms

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"How's your head?" I questioned Scott as I made my way down the stairs in the front of his house, following him into the car. Here in Beacon Hills there is a thing called Mischief Night, and some persons take it really serious. To me, it's just like another night of Halloween but the trick or treating is just being saved for the next night. I'm saying all of this because Stiles is one of the persons who takes this night very seriously, and he is currently at the school waiting for the arrival of Scott and I.

Scott said that he's taking part of it solely because it will be coach's birthday. And every year, they would leave a surprise for him in his office that profoundly pisses him off. Either way, Coach is basically always angry, but I assume he would get angry enough to trigger his own aneurysm.

"Healed. And your ankle?" Scott teasingly asked as I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully as I stepped into the car after he opened the door for me.

"I think it's still broken." I frowned, staring down at it. "Maybe you can put what you've learn at my uncle's clinic to use." I taunted, deviously smirking over to the brown-eyed boy.

"Maybe I will." Scott smiled, leaning his face in to steal a quick kiss.

I rose an eyebrow. "I hope that isn't something you've learned there." I snickered as Scott smiled, giving his beautiful dimples the chance to stick out prominently. He then revved up the car and we then made our way down the road, heading over to the school. Scott's phone then began buzzing on the dashboard.

"You can answer." Scott mindlessly spoke as I widened my eyes, hesitating to pick the phone up. Did a boy actually allow me to pick their own phone up? I shook my head slightly as I then brought his phone into my hand, answering. And as I noticed that it was Stiles, I placed the phone on speaker.

"Hey, Stiles. Don't you think it's a bit late?" I snickered.

"Tell Scott to get his werewolf ass down here now, and you better be right behind him! We have a job to do." Stiles' voice boomed through the phone as a grin then formed onto my face. I then moved the phone over to Scott's mouth as we then found a space in the school's parking lot.

"Dude, we're already in bed. And aren't we getting a little old for this?" Scott questioned. I then stepped out of the car, closing the door silently. But when it was time for Mr. Wolfman to close it, it wasn't as subtle as we wanted it to be. "Sorry." Scott mouthed after me sending a glare his way.

"We do this for Coach." Stiles dramatically stated, leaving me to snicker. It surprises me that there is a lack of security guards here at this school. The doors were left unlocked, allowing anyone to enter.

"I thought you guys did this to Coach?" I quirked up an eyebrow as I replied sassily.

"Listen, that's not the point! By the sound of things, Coach needs it and he lives for it. It's probably already on his list of things to expect."  I then heard a different voice which then caused my eyes to widen, both Scott and I sharing a gobsmacked expression.

"Was that Ava?" I nearly shouted. What the hell are those two doing together? How did they even get together? Did Ava seriously leave Flora in the room by herself?

"And Flora here!" I then heard my other best friend as I absentmindedly let a breath of relief out. Flora is indescribable and spontaneous. I have no idea what she would do if she was to be left alone with all of my ingredients and materials for a spell along with my grimoires.

"Anyway, it's the middle of the night and I've had a long day. Scott even promised to sing to me until I fell asleep." I chuckled, biting onto my lip as I looked over to Scott who was wearing a shocked face. I simply blew a kiss to him, concealing my laughter as we turned through the hallway that leads to the locker rooms.

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