17. Trickster

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"This is everything non-lethal I could find." Allison spoke as we followed her into Chris' office. I took a look at all of the equipment on the table which consisted of ropes, handcuffs, pepper sprays. I'm sure it must have been quite hard for the Argents to muster up all of these non-lethal items. 

"Take all of it." Chris spoke as I narrowed my eyes. 

"What's the plan here? Because if Sheriff wants me here, honestly-" I started as I then turned to Mr. Stilinski. "I think the whole non-lethal aspect of plan goes right out of the windows because once that sun goes down and the Oni take over.. I have no telling what's going to happen." 

"But you have fought through the temptation of them taking over, right? That same night you rescued him from the coyote's den." Sheriff spoke, his hope clearly shining through. I took a deep breath in nodding. I have to believe in myself, just like how much Sheriff is believing in me. 

"Our best shot right now is for Derek to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House. Especially if he went through something stressful there. Or we can also let Carson perform a locator spell." Chris spoke as my eyes widen. I wasn't sure that Chris knew how my powers worked- it's very impressing, or intimidating. 

"Should all four of us be going to the same place?" Stilinski questioned. 

"Well where else has Stiles been showing up?" Argent's eyebrows creased in curiosity. 

"The school, the hospital." I noted. 

"Okay, hold on." Derek spoke above everyone else. "We did this already. He disappeared, we started looking for him. Then walked right into a trap at the hospital." Derek pinpointed as I nodded heavily. I also fought the feeling to groan out of frustration once I noticed that we're all going in circles- just like how the trickster wants us to.

"He's getting us to repeat the same moves." I spoke, shaking my head.

"So, what do we do? Wait for him to come to us?" Allison asked, her gaze focused on something as she was in deep thought.

"We can't." I pitched in. "Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down. Wherever the Oni goes, I follow. So I'm just going to do the locator spell right now, to see if we can try to avoid that particular event." I spoke as I then began to clear the desk, remembering that there was a very detailed map of Beacon Hills on this very desk. "Preitori speculo, phasmatos oculacs." I casted a spell as I graced my hand over the map that was once visible with a UV light. It was now visible to all of us here. 

"How did you know that map was there?" Chris questioned with a gobsmacked expression as I chuckled lightly, placing the jar of black ash onto the desk. 

"Mr. Argent, we're curious teenagers. You can't really hide much from us." I muttered, pouring out a small amount of the ash onto the desk. "Mr. Stilinski, your hand." I spoke, raising my hand towards him. I watched as he hesitantly moved towards me, leaving me to chuckle. "I don't have anything that belongs to Stiles, but you being his father means that you're linked with him biologically so that'll work just perfectly." I cleared up. 

"Oh, okay." He nodded, finally resting his hand in my palm. 

I exhaled slowly as I closed my eyes. "Phasmatos tribum, nas ex veras, sequitas sanguinem." I whispered slowly as I then opened my eyes, a vision of Stiles then beginning to form. My iris and sclera would now fully be black, due to my vision no longer belonging to me- but to the magic that's trying to locate Stiles. "I can see him." I spoke, starting to smile as I now saw Stiles and Ava standing up, but their surroundings not being able to focus. It was all a blur. 

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