
996 21 3

word count: 1557

warnings: none

Portland 2nd July - 1993

Lizzie Mikaelson; empty and confused from the reality of finding her long lost family from the 10th century.

Happy and complete by finding Klaus, her twin brother.

The only way to forget something was either amnesia or compulsion -- compulsion was the most logical in this situation of living all over the centuries, she seemed immortal.

It was her chance to have a fresh start and become a happy family for once and for all; after the truth of the Evans', they didn't even seem like a family anymore to her, understandably correct in her point of view.

Family's don't include lying to one another and claiming that they were your biological family, she wasted her time on trying to become a happy family. All she wanted was a family, as well as the Mikaelson family.

A powerful witch is capable of lifting an compulsion from somebody, they require such strength to do so.

Joshua Parker was the leader of the Gemini Coven and was very powerful from leading a coven on his own along side his family by his side.

Truth has it, it causes severe pain. Seeking in your mind to lift the compulsion off. However, the pain varies from how deep the compulsion memory has rooted in your mind, digging it's parasite like claws into your brain sockets, holding on for dear life.

The legendary spell of the Magic Purification Spell.


In the basement of the Parker house; away for the coven spells, rituals and meetings. Joshua standing across from Lizzie who was sitting in the middle of the floor, sweat running down her forehead as she screamed in pain.

Crimson liquid was dripping down her lips from each of her nostrils, feeling like her blood vessels in her brain were squeezing and pushing across in her brain causing immense pain for the younger member of the coven.

Both of her hands placed either side of her temples as she fell on her side, letting out screams of agony. At least there was a diagnosis of why she couldn't remember her past, the pain in her head as Joshua was doing the spell meant it was working and a compulsion was there dug deep in her mind.

From the huge gap from the 10th century caused the compulsion to be bigger than usual; the coven leader was scared for a second that he couldn't save her but it took a lot of effort to lift the compulsion off of her.

Suddenly the pain stopped and Joshua rubbed his face in annoyance, the spell wasn't working since it was a very powerful compulsion from something more powerful than any supernatural being.

"Let's have a break, Elisabeth" the older man spoke and went towards her to help her sit up against the cold brick wall to calm down, the blood was now vanishing magically from her skin as quick as it appeared.

Feeling light-headed and dizzy, nodding in response. Inhaling and exhaling slowly to calm herself down from the pain she had just experienced a few moments ago.

Joshua held out his hand and helped her get up from the cold ground; walking up the stairs while supporting her to walk. All of her body felt completely numb and fragile, painful and blood rushing around at a quick rate.

The bright light from outside was gazing through the curtains in the kitchen as she sat down on a chair. Joshua grabbed a glass and filled it up with cold water, placing it down on the oak table to give her a drink to cool herself down.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now