
985 29 21

word count: 1629

warnings: abuse, smut

Portland 6th July - 1993

Everything seemed pretty normal to Lizzie despite the horrible headaches and cold chills she keeps getting, it was nothing like a normal headache it was something more magically weird. 

Her mind seemed bigger than usual because of the unwanted compulsion she was manipulated into getting by some mysterious supernatural being who was the power to do so to such creatures. 

An occasional cheeky glance from the boy who came deeply down her throat around a week ago; deep feelings were there for the boy who claimed he had never loved somebody in his life, not even his own family. 

Kai was more touchy and needy whenever Lizzie and him were alone in the same room or in the house in general, his lack of sexual experience was starting to make him sexually frustrated. 

The thing was that Lizzie told Kai right after their little 'hook up' that it should be a one time thing and no strings attached. Unfortunately it broke her heart to say that to such a handsome face who deserved the world, she had feelings for him. 

Weirdly enough Kai would sneak in Lizzie's bedroom at night and watch her sleep in the corner of the room, she was so beautiful when she was deep in her sleep world. 

Gosh he's lost count on how many times he's masturbated after the incident, most likely around three or four times a day. He had always imaged her sucking and jacking him off while he pleasured himself, it created a great fantasy for himself. 

A yawn erupted from the girls throat as she stretched her whole body out to sooth the stiffness of her body, turning over and seeing Jo still fast asleep in her bed. 

The clock read 7:48 in the morning, nothing had woken her up other than her energy being fulfilled from going to sleep earlier than normal. Her sleeping pattern was truly fucked but managed to fix it within the past few weeks. 

She needed to go to the bathroom but to do so she'd have to walk past Kai's room to get to the room but she expected to hear his snores but heard grunting in pain and Joshua's voice beaming throughout the room. 

"You are an abomination; piece of crap who should have not been born!" 

The door wasn't closed but it was open ajar to let some light through, Lizzie peaking through the door crack and was shocked to see that Joshua was using his magic on his son that caused him to cry out in pain on the floor, clenching his head in his palms. 

"Stop! What are you doing, Joshua?" Lizzie panicked seeing Kai in pain but the pain stopped as she spoke, Joshua turning around and leaving the room in a hurry. 

Tears were streaming down Kai's face and he stopped clenching his head in pain, eyes turning to see Lizzie rushing over him and helping him up from the ground he was just currently laying on.

Slight dried blood was under his nose from the magic and he touched the skin to just find dried blood. "I hate my father- I wish I could just- urgh!" Kai said but it had an angry tone in his voice, leaning against his bed with Lizzie by his side. 

Lizzie had never really gotten a good look at his room and saw dried tissues in the rubbish bin and Lizzie knew exactly what that was and a deep blush covered her face, combing her fringe out of her eyes and placing behind her ears. 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now