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"Ouch. Poor nephew uncle Zach." Kai said sarcastically while both hands were on his waist. 

"Stefan compelled uncle Zach to forget about the girlfriend and the baby, but he couldn't cover up all those murders," every time he spoke, he moved closer to the three, "The founders' council was restarted and Stefan took off, left Mystic Falls for about fifteen years, we both did, and then when I saw uncle Zach again, I couldn't look at him without remembering that I had ruined everything, so it was a nice relief when I got to kill him," he sighed, "Okay. Can we go back now?" 

Bonnie was looking at Damon with so much shock and sadness on her face whereas Lizzie was trying to move out of Kai's reach; his hand previously was placed on her ass. 

"Oh, come on, Bonnie," Kai moved away from Lizzie after knowing she didn't like to be touched, "You want to go home back to your friends, both of you, and I want to go back and give the rest of the Gemini Coven an excruciating death. Win-win." 

Lizzie was still apart of the Gemini Coven; this had meant he was going to kill her again, of course?

The tribrid gave Kai a stern stare and he winked then bit his lip.

"Look. I know this guy's not a model citizen, okay, Bonnie, but I got to get back, not just for Elena but for my brother." Damon begged.

Lizzie looked at Bonnie with sympathy, rubbing the back of her shoulder to comfort her, "I'm sorry, Damon--" Bonnie whimpered.

"Sorry doesn't work for me," Kai then got up from his space leant up against the wall and rushed towards Bonnie to grip her arm but failed.

Lizzie vamp-sped towards him and held her arm against his throat, his eyes were piercing into her own and they had a staring competition. 

"Hey. We might be having a bit of a disagreement, but don't even lay a hand on her," The tribrid hushed through her teeth. 

"I swear to god I will kill you AGAIN when I have the chance," Kai huffed then looked to his side, "Kind of a nonissue now. Missed today's eclipse. Raincheck for tomorrow?" He smiled at Bonnie then at Damon. 

"No." With that Bonnie left. 

Lizzie pushed Kai back and he sighed in relief; twisting his head to both sides to crack the tensed bones. 


Lizzie came down from her room and sat down next to Bonnie who was eating pancakes while Damon was in the  kitchen, "I can't stop thinking about that pregnant lady, she had a thing for pancakes." 

The girl who just entered the room had a sympathetic smile on her face and she shuffled her seat closer to Bonnie's. 

"That's what you remember?" Damon said while pouring himself a glass of bourbon. 

"You remember it, don't you?" Bonnie asked, "You make pancakes every day." 

"Yeah, cause I'm bored." He responded. 

"No. Because you're punishing yourself. You called this place your hell, that means you feel remorse. That is the thing what makes you different from Kai," Lizzie started speaking, "It means there's hope for you." 

"Look. We can still get out of here, Lizzie. We can just steal that ascendant contraption and find out what Kai knows and then we'll ditch him. It's not like he has powers anyway." 

"Actually-- it's not that simple." Kai then appeared out of nowhere, leaning up against a door frame. 

"You got to stop doing that. It's creepy." Damon argued.

"Here's the thing. I have a peculiar effect on magic. I can't generate it myself, but I can consume it from others temporarily," He walked towards Lizzie, "My family called me an abomination. It hurt my feelings. Lizzie tried to tell me I was different from others and not an abomination but clearly, she was just not thinking straight." 

"He's a siph--" Lizzie got cut off by the immense pain on her wrist; Kai was absorbing her magic and he held his other hand out so he could cast a fire spell near Damon as well as cause his head to throb. 

"Okay. We get it. Ugh," Damon let out. 

Bonnie was hiding in the corner completely shocked by what he was doing to both of her best friends.

"You can see why my coven and I didn't get along-- also tribrid magic is a lot more powerful than I expected, christ almighty." He moaned at the sensation of her magic flowing through his veins. 

"I smell an ultimatum," Damon weakly said but still managed to get back up. 

"If I consume all of Lizzie's and Bonnie's magic, I am just gonna end up killing them both," he chuckled, twirling around Lizzie and holding her hair back to kiss her neck then stopping to continue talking, "But if we work together, we can all go home as friends, or I can devour both of their magic, kill you all and go home alone." 

Kai finished speaking and leaving Lizzie there with a wet neck from his sloppery kisses, he then sat down on the chair Bonnie was previously on and started eating from the plate.

"What's it gonna be?" He shoved a pancake slice into his mouth, chewing loudly with a smirk on his face.

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I apologise that the last two were rather short; the next five will be longer than this, I promise. I am quite busy at the moment and I am trying to fit everything in.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now