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Cami was kneeling down and sat next to Davina who was laying on the ground with all the shattered glass around the room.

"We should bring her to a hospital," Cami worried.

"Oh, hello darling," the boy who was with Davina in the bar spoke up, "Back to huff and puff and blow the house down?" 

Klaus scoffed, "It's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat." 

Lizzie looked to her side and scolded her brother, "Nik, he's just a kid. Give him a break," rolling her eyes at him and holding Kai's hand.

"Yeah, she's right," the boy responded and smiled at Lizzie, "You might wanna try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for pillocks with anger issues." 

Cami scolded the boy whereas Lizzie chuckled under her breath at the boys attempt to annoy the big-bad-wolf, "Hey, shut it" 

"We promise not to kill Davina. I said nothing of this insolent sod," Klaus said.

Cami walked past Klaus and dragged him out, "Come on," she said. Kai stared at the boy with an awkward silence, "Can you step out? I'm going to have a little chat with this boy, if that's okay, Kai?" 

Kai looked a bit paranoid with him and his girl being alone just in case he hurts her -- shrugging, moving his position to walk out the door.

"You've got a way with words. Who may you be?" Lizzie closed the door behind her and sat down on a chair opposite the boy.

The boy just stared, "I'm Kaleb--" he was then cut off by Klaus walking into the room with Kai. It didn't really give Lizzie much time to talk. 

"You seem to have crossed continents... in order to weasel your way into Davina's good graces... thereby meddling in my family business," Klaus stated, "Strange, isn't it?" 

"Unless it's his family business. Ever since the dinner with my mother and my dear brother, Finn, I've been wondering when you might make an appearance, Kol," Lizzie said and turned to look at Kol in his eyes.

Kol just chuckled and smiled, "Then the jig is up," he sarcastically bowed, "Hello, sister... and brother," he smiled.

"It's not that I begrudge you hitching a ride back to the land of the living. It's just that you're making all the wrong friends, brother," Klaus spoke, "And I have half a mind to show you how wrong you are." 

"You're not gonna do that are you? Your little blonde friend told you to leave me alone. Besides, who is this little Mr Perfect doing with our sister?" Kol said.

Kai swallowed the saliva gathering in the back of his throat, "I'm Kai. Kai Parker. I'm the leader of the--" Kol cut him off.

"I was just curious. Does he take one of those plastic baggies out when he takes you out for a walk?" Kol said to his sister. 

Lizzie clenched her fists, "Please let this Cami girl know that I've changed my mind. I am going to harm him after all," Kai threatened Kol and walked forwards to glare her brother in the eyes.

Kol scoffed, "Is that meant to intimidate me, Parker?" despite Kol being a lot shorter than Kai, it didn't intimidate him at all.

Kol just stood there with a smirk on his face and Klaus walked out of the house, "Cami?" he spoke with a worried tone.

Lizzie just left Kai in the house with her brother and walked out and noticed Klaus looking at the blood on the car.

Her heart jumped out of her chest at the sight of the trunk door open wide. Klaus rushed over and saw nothing was there. Their father wasn't there.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now