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Marcel and Elijah were faces to face with Tristan as he handed him a cloth to wipe his bloodied hands, "Mr. Mikaelson and I require the room, please leave us."

With a flick of a heartbeat, everybody had scattered to leave at his demand. Tristan turned to Elijah with his hands behind his back, "Elijah, your sire line, your life is at stake. You want to hear what I have to say?"

"Marcellus, please..." the noble one spoke to Marcel, "And you would be well to be selective about the company you keep in the future"

"Maybe you should remember who your friends are. It looks like you're gonna need them," and with that, Marcel had left the room without turning back for a single glance.

Elijah huffed out and took a stride toward a window to pull back a curtain, "You waltz into my city unannounced with your flock of sycophants flaunting news of a threat, all awhile your little lapdog Aya is conspiring against none other than Marcel Gerard."

Tristan, still in a grand manner, "Conspiring... how grandiose. I thought I was the one with a flair for the dramatic."

"Watch your tongue," Elijah slithered over to him with clicks of his shoes hitting the marbled floor, "I am not the patient, fun-loving social butterfly you might recall." 

With every single word he spat out at Tristan, he fixed his suit as if to passively-aggressively mention that his suit was better than his. Elijah was a sucker for his designer pristine suits.

"Your Marcel is a potential recruit. He has nothing to do with the larger issue we face," Tristan said to make Elijah stop in his tracks.

Without turning to face Tristan, he felt the fabric of one of the sofa's, pst, shitty quality, "The larger issue?"

"You have no doubt heard about the war between the sire lines. Well, as it happens, your line, thanks to my Strix, has wreaked all manner of havoc on Lucien and his assorted interests. As a result, he's desperate to exterminate the lot of us... me, Aya, everyone you sired. Of course, the economical way to complete the task would be for him to kill you." 

Elijah raised his brows as he took a seat on the uncomfortable sofa, "You don't believe me," Tristan said, hands still placed neatly behind his back, "Perhaps you've underestimated Lucien's ambition. While I'd doubt he'd have the gall to attack you directly, I believe he might try and find someone else to do it, perhaps several, namely Niklaus and Elisabeth."

"What makes you absolutely certain that my siblings would select Lucien over their own family?" Elijah said.

"From what I hear, he tortured his friend Marcel, cursed the mother of his child, and burned your paramour in front of you, all because he thought it the logical way to defeat his enemy. With Lucien in his ear, how long before the logical thing is to get rid of you?" Tristan took a breath, "Elisabeth would do anything to protect Niklaus from harm and would aid side by side with him. Let's not forget that she was under the custody of a great witch, Dahlia, for over a thousand years, surely she's picked up some wickerdry from her."

"Well, I'm sure Niklaus is on his way right now to kill Lucien-" 

Tristan cut off Elijah rather quickly in panic, "You have to stop him. He knows about a weapon that can kill you. Nor do I or my sister know where it is. If he dies, none of us will find it, not until some other assassin attempts to use it against you. If you have any hope of finding that which can kill us all, Niklaus needs to be stopped."


The church bells clanged together and several instruments were playing in the center, Kai and Lizzie were in hand as they strolled down the street. They swang their hands together like a teenage couple.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now