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A loud gasp left Lizzie's lips and found herself in the same room with the same people after Klaus had fed her his blood so she'd wake up quickly after her neck snap.

Yelling was heard in the compound and Lizzie went to see what was happening she saw a vampire holding a broken leg of a chair and scratching Aiden's arm. 

Just before the vampire tried to lunge for Aiden's bloodied-up arm, Lizzie pushed him away and snapped his neck.

"Joshua. You get away from him right now," Klaus said to Joshua who was about to charge at Aiden.

"Lizzie! Try something!" Marcel yelled as he held back one of his vampires who were trying to lunge at Aiden.

Lizzie rushed to the barrier and saw Davina on the other side, "Davina... you might want to step aside, please, I don't want you to get hurt," the original tribrid said as Davina nodded quickly.

A silent second. The wind flew throughout Lizzie's hair, her tribrid eyes showing up as she held out her arms to face the barrier, an electrical magic source came out of her palm, shaking the compound as the magic hit the barrier.

Blood starting to pour out of her right nostril as she continued the spell, Marcel grunting in the background as he still held back his vampire. 

"Stop! You're going to kill yourself!" Davina yelled at Lizzie who had continuous blood dripping down her nose.

Lizzie shook her head and screamed as more magic left her system, hitting the barrier as you saw the now visible barrier crack in half and shatter into glass from nowhere. 

Lightheaded, she walked to the side and wiped her nose, "It's gone, you've only got sixty seconds, hurry!" she shouted to the werewolves in a hurry as they quickly marched past her.

Klaus came towards her and kissed her forehead, "Thank you so much, sister. You are my favorite sibling for a reason," he smiled and rushed out, stopping in his tracks and throwing Kol back into the compound, "Change of plans, brother" 

Kol went flying back and landed on his back in the middle of the compound, "I no longer have to treat you as anything but the treacherous liar you truly are," Klaus said and hushed Lizzie away as Klaus still stood there.

"What the bloody hell?" Kol spoke as blood trickled down his head.

"Where is she?" Klaus demanded.

Kol looked around in a panic and noticed the ravenous vampires, "Please, they'll kill him," Davina begged.

Klaus shrugged, "Well, he should've thought about that... before he betrayed our sister. Rebekah never made it to her new body, did she? Seeing as how you cast the spell and, well, you're you... I'd hardly call it an uncrackable case." 

"Rebekah's fine, Nik. It was a prank," Kol spat out, moving towards Klaus, "Nothing more than what you lot have done to me. But I guess it's different when it's one-- ah!" he stopped himself as his hand burnt by the barrier being put up again.

"Oh. Barrier's back up," Klaus said with a smile on his face, "-and those vampires look, oh, so hungry. I was willing to welcome you back into my home... but you had to return to your selfish petty jealousies. Well, let's see how well they help you survive when you're stuck in there." 

Klaus walked off leaving a saddened Davina there worrying about what the vampires could do to Kol.


"Pick up the damn phone, Elijah. Finn is trying to find Hope," Klaus said on the phone as Rebekah in her new body followed behind.

"She's safe. It'll take a hundred witches or more to break the cloaking spell I created," Lizzie said as she followed behind.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now