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Rain pouring down and colliding with the ground as the wind picked up and flew through her blonde hair, she covered her eyes and managed to walk through the hurricane.

Groaning to herself as blood managed to start pouring out of her eyes, this was Dahlia's way of getting back at Lizzie for gaining her magic back.

"Kai!" Lizzie yelled out for him, ever since he stabbed Lizzie, he has been missing, it was true that this was all Dahlia's doings.

Tears swelling up in her eyes as there was no sight of her boyfriend. Continuing to walk through the squelchy mud with a determined look on her face.

Grabbing onto her head in pain, falling to her knees at the thought of losing her beloved, and the magic that was magnifying by the second to endure her pain.

She was feeling weaker than ever, the original tribrid was supposed to be powerful, a legend, stronger than whatever this was.

Choking on blood, clawing at the ground, the faint whistle was heard beyond the swishing, dancing trees.

The familiar tune that both Freya and Lizzie were brought up with; managing to look up with blood smeared all over her face, Dahlia stood there proudly with hands in her pockets.

"Hello, little one, come here to find your boyfriend?" Dahlia chuckled, tilting her head as she saw Lizzie fight to stand up.

The amount of power Dahlia let out was only a slither of what she could do, she was much more powerful than Lizzie with just a fraction of her power.

A cry left her lips as she spat out blood onto some rocks, using the rocks as something to lean on to stand up slowly.

Her shaking legs, her pale skin, blood dripping out of her eyes and mouth, "What do you want, Dahlia?" Lizzie spat out shakily. 

"I thought it was obvious by now, dear, I want what I've always wished for," she held out her hand in a fist, "Power." 

Lizzie screamed out in pain as she fell to her knees again, she let out an animalistic growl as her tribrid eyes showed, the fangs growing out through her gums.

She felt her heartbeat gradually slow down, black spots filling her vision until Dahlia was thrown back, hitting against a tree.

The tribrid gasped, holding at her throat as she could finally breathe again, the blood finally stopping.

Another set of legs were seen, it was her older sister, Freya, "Leave my sister alone!" Freya yelled out.

Watching Freya rush to Lizzie's side, making sure she was okay, rubbing at her back as they both saw Dahlia stand up.

"Look, it's the two girls who were confident enough to defy me," Dahlia straightened out her black dress, laughing to herself.

Dahlia walked forwards and bent down, placing a kiss on Lizzie's head, whispering against her ear, "The time will come soon enough, my dearest Elisabeth." 

Dahlia turned into a mist of smoke in a blink of an eye and vanished from both of their eyes, Freya turning to Lizzie with a scared expression.

"Are you okay, sister?" the oldest asked, "There's no time to waste, I found Kai on the way here, he's safe." 

Lizzie nodded and stood up with the help of Freya, both of them walked through the now peaceful forest, finally ending up near a tree stump.

There was Kai chained to the rotten stump, he seemed to be awake but barely, "Kai! Oh my god, are you okay? What'd she do to you?" 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now