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Lights, movement, music was most of the things that had woke Lizzie up from her magical slumber. 

Lizzie couldn't really tell where she was until she saw Kai next to her sitting down in a taxi that was seemingly going over pot-holes in the ground every few seconds of the journey. 

"Oh look, the drunk girl has awoken," Kai snickered to himself, "You ever worn skinny jeans?" He asked the taxi driver.

The taxi driver looked up in the mirror and saw Lizzie stirring around and sat up, removing her head from Kai's shoulder.

"Agh. It seems wrong," he looked down at his crotch that was somewhat painful from the thickness and the material of the jeans, "I'm all bunched up-- also, why are jeans so tight, when phones are so big?" 

The tribrid rubbed her eyes and yawned, looking to her left and saw that they were no longer in the prison world. 

She didn't really pay attention to the taxi driver since she had just woken up from the neck snap Kai gave her multiple times already.

The driver seemed fed up with his constant yattering, "I don't know what to tell you, pal" 

Kai looked down at Lizzie who looked panicked for a split second as she realised Bonnie was nowhere to be found, "Oh, god. I'm that guy, right? That guy that won't shut up. Oh, I hate that guy. I just sat next to that guy on the plane with my girlfriend, he was the worst." 

She gave him a disgusted look at the word 'girlfriend' which he had just ignored and continued to yatter, "Hey. Speaking of planes, have you flown recently? Because what's with the whole liquid situation and the stripping before you go through security thing? It's weird. I had to let the security guards eye my girl down; I completely disagree with people these days." 

He was leant up against the two front seats and was speaking to the driver who seemed very annoyed by his constant speaking, the poor man just wanted to drive and get his money. 

"They're worried about terrorists" The driver answered. 

Kai leant back and watched the driver in the mirror, "Okay. Well, I'm sorry but the real terrorists are some of those people taking off their shoes." 

Lizzie moved closer to Kai and made their thighs touch, whispering "Where the hell is Bonnie? What did you do to her? I swear to god I will ki--" 

"I know I'm chatty. Sorry." Kai ignored and interrupted the tribrid, "I've just been in prison for a while-- not like a regular prison, you know, more like a-- also my girlfriend wouldn't satisfy my needs as a man, not to mention even treat me like a human being--" 

The car journey pulled at a stop, "All right. We're here." It seemed like he couldn't wait to get off his shift to meet another person who was less chatty. 

The whole reason why Lizzie didn't throw a fit about not being in the prison world anymore without Bonnie, her best friend, was because the taxi driver did not know about the supernatural and of course the supernatural had to be kept hidden from humans.

"That will be thirty," the driver looked out his window in an attempt to show the male that he wasn't any longer interested in his conversations that range from jeans to terrorists within a matter of a few seconds.

Kai stroked Lizzie's thigh and tried going under her skirt to her inner thigh put she threw his hand off of her skin and he just tried getting his wallet from his tight jean pockets, "All right" 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now