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word count: 1142

warnings: none

Portland 18th July - 1993

A day after the face to face interaction with aunt Dahlia. It was proven that nobody had heard her presence in the room, debating to herself if she was just imagining it or it was reality.

It was a reality.

Kai returned to his old self and was very horrible, cold towards the family just like normal. He didn't dare to go near Lizzie anymore because if he did he would most likely murder her there and then for blaming him for something he swore he didn't do.

Lizzie felt terrible for blaming him for something he obviously didn't do; the past of the boy was something that was always at the back of her mind and it just made her think.

In the kitchen fiddling with a pen that was left on the kitchen table next to the newspaper, guilt was buried deep in the pit in her stomach, she felt horrid.

Kids were running around the table where she sat and playing tag, laughing and loud patting of their footsteps hitting the floor with bare feet.; giggling leaving their lips.

A hideous headache in her head by every single overwhelming noise filling her eardrums, getting up and walking towards the shared bedroom she slept in.

Breaking her out of her thoughts she was dragged in the dark part of the hallway, a tight grip on her wrist and heavy breathing from somebody behind her.

"Give me magic" it was no surprise that it was Kai, why avoid her and come back?

Turning around and throwing his hand off of her wrist, looking up into his eyes a narrowed look within them. "No"

Lizzie was no longer scared by his threats since he has never done anything about them, it was simply just a threat without any actions.

"I'll ki-" Lizzie cut him off and said, "Bla Bla Bla, yeah, why aren't I dead yet huh?" crossing her arms against her chest.

Clenching his jaw and eyebrows furrowed, a wrinkle on his forehead by the intense look on his facial features.

"Don't test me- I don't want to kill you, but I will" grabbing her wrist anyway and starts siphoning her magic out of her flesh, a horrible whimper noise left her lips in pain.

Shoving his other hand on her mouth to quiet down her noise from the rest of the family listening in on what was happening in the hallway. The hallway wasn't a place to actually do this but he was urgently needing magic.

Leaning down to whisper in her ear, completely ignoring the cries of pain from the girl who was begging him to stop, "I don't care"

A few seconds later he felt like enough magic was stored in his veins and shoved her against the wall that made her body crashed into it with a loud bang. Kai walked into his room and she heard the lock turn just after.

Getting her breath back and gasping under her breath while sliding against the wall, hiding her head between both of her sweaty palms.

"Lizzie, what's wrong?" a rushed voice exclaimed, quickly walking towards over to the girl on the floor who was visibly crying.

The person who was now sitting next to her on the floor rubbing her arm up and down in a comforting manner was Jo.

The world was already a bad place for Lizzie, kept captive for over a thousand years completely away from her family. Henrik dying was the last family experience she had witnessed after being kidnapped by Dahlia.

Dahlia used Lizzie for her own magic along with Freya. The only difference was that Freya was taken away while she was a newborn. Clearly, Dahlia saw the strength in Lizzie and took her in as well, and told the rest of the Mikaelson's that both died by a plague.

"Liz?" hushed in a quiet voice to not startle her.

Lifting her hands off of her face and turning to Jo, nodding and wiping the tears from her cheeks. Lizzie was so done with everything Kai has done to cause pain to her and she was going to make him pay.

Jo didn't want to get into her personal life and decided it was for the best to not ask her any more about it to overwhelm her.

"I- I think I just need sleep" the blonde girl had now gotten up from her seat on the wooden ground beside Jo and walked towards her bedroom along with Jo helping her walk just in case she fell, she didn't know what was wrong.


Now eight o'clock in the afternoon, waking up from her long sleep. Everybody was now asleep in the house, the curfew was half seven for everybody despite the variety of ages within the household.

The Parker family was strict on rules, they wanted to feel like a family and made sure everybody was under rules. Joshua had to wake up early every morning to attend coven studies or meetings, being a leader of a coven is truly nervewracking and draining.

Whereas Kai Parker didn't care for the curfew rules or any of the rules in the family and this was one of the many reasons for not being loved by his family, called an abomination.

Lizzie just couldn't sleep and decided to creep down the stairs to sit on the sofa in the living room to watch some TV, the volume was not on weirdly enough but she enjoyed that.

In the corner a groaning voice was heard, it was Joey.

What was he doing up at this time? It was past curfew, he was younger than Lizzie so it mattered more significantly for him. Younger ones deserved more of a rule punishment than the older ones.

Blood running down his nostrils and it looked like his face was full of bruises, whimpering, and crying. Lizzie rushed over to him, gasping to herself as she saw the state of the boy covered in his own blood.

Helping him sit up and rushing over to the kitchen to gather first aid kit supplies. Sitting next to him on the sofa, cleaning up his cuts and bruises.

"Who did this?" Lizzie asked, she wasn't sure about the answer but wasn't really surprised to hear the answer.

The only answers in her head were either Dahlia or Kai, those were the ones who were violent over the past few days.

"M-Malachai" he spoke under his breath, scared in case anybody heard and from the aching pain on his jawline.

Tensing her jawline up in anger, she was totally done with Kai's actions and wanted to take action this time for revenge. Kai was truly sickening, disgusting from his behaviors. She needed to show him who is boss.

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