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"Don't fear. This will be over quickly," Dahlia still had Lizzie kidnapped, using her magic to make Aiden follow shortly behind.

They moved into an alleyway, "-you are what is known as a tipping point. To set Mikaelson... against Mikaelson." 

Dahlia created a huge wound on his neck, he cried in pain as Lizzie flinched from the blood splattering on her face.

"It is true you are a minor player... though it only takes one match to burn dows acres of forest. In my plan to divide and conquer, you are the perfect kindling," creating another gash on his face.

Lizzie cried and whimpering, Dahlia pushed her back against the wall, focusing back on Aiden, "-why are you doing this to me?" he cried.

"Because..." she moved her hand out and it looked like he was choking on something, he fell on his knees with a blood patch forming on his shirt, "-I need to make it look, convincing," at the end of her sentence, his heart came flying out into her hand.

She dropped it onto the ground next to his body while chuckling, smearing her finger with the blood, on the ground she wrote, "E. M" and walked off with Lizzie in her grasp.


Later that day, Davina and Josh were laughing and talking together, until Josh looked in an alleyway and saw a dead body.

"What the...?" 

They both rushed up to the body and crouched down next to it, Josh bit into his wrist and held it up to Aiden's mouth with tears falling down his cheeks.

Davina sat up from the ground with shocked eyes, looking around on the ground, and saw two letters were written in blood, "E. M" which stands for Elisabeth Mikaelson.

She pointed to the ground, "-look. Elisabeth Mikaelson... we need to tell the others about Aiden, let's go!" 

Jackson went into the building with Aiden over his shoulder, "-Klaus!" he yelled out and the other turned around.

"Oh, my god!" Hayley said.

"What happened?" 

"Klaus made Aiden spy on us. Instead, he told me everything. So you killed him!" 

Hayley looked in disbelief, "-you killed him. One of the wolves sworn to protect our daughter," she whimpered.

"So what if I did?" he replied, "-this is what happens to anyone who dares cross me!" he yelled out.

"Just give us the word, Jackson," someone said.

"Yes, come and have a go! But you'll be putting your life on the line for one who is all too willing to betray you," he looked down at the body, "-perhaps this never would've happened if he'd had a real Alpha." 

Davina looked confused for a second, "-but I thought your sister did it? Her initials were written down next to the body, or is it one of your sick games to try and frame your twin?" 

Klaus' face dropped, "-what do you mean?" he asked.

Davina sighed, "-E.M was written on the floor in Aiden's blood. Didn't you say she was missing, and the same with her boyfriend?" 

"You're lying!" Klaus went to charge for Davina but Jackson got in the way and punched Klaus in the face.

Hayley got defensive and pushed Klaus away, resulting in Klaus pushing Hayley on the floor and Elijah stepped in and stopped them from fighting.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now