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Klaus snapped somebodies neck and a man who pointed a sword at Klaus was present with shocking open eyes.

"You," Klaus said.

"Niklaus? Elisabeth?" the man said in shock.

Lizzie hit at her head, "No. No. You're not real!" she screamed and Klaus just stared at the man in front of him.

"Elisabeth," the man said once again.

Klaus stood in the way so he wouldn't dare to go near his sister, "Stay away from her! You're just a phantom conjured by Esther. That is all you are!" 

Lizzie stood there crying as she was kept in Klaus' embrace, he had his arm around her body as he moved through the cemetery, "Mother! Stop this charade! I know that thing is not real." 

"Look at me," the man spoke once again from behind them, he opened his arms out, "I am flesh and blood. Your flesh and blood." 

Lizzie shrugged Klaus off and attempted to stand strong, "You've been dead a thousand years," she whimpered.

"Through that time, dearest ones, I lingered on the Other Side. Watching you let the world fall apart. Watching you, Elisabeth, in torture and horror in the hands of Dahlia. Until I woke, four moons passed in a land of wolves like myself," he spoke.

"No, no!" Klaus said as he pointed a finger at him and he pulled Lizzie back, "You're just in our heads! You're an illusion. Meant by my mother to sway me to accept her bargain." 

"I do not speak for Esther," their father spoke, "I know nothing of her bargains, but you both, are my children," he placed his hand on both of their cheeks.

Klaus looked at his father's tattoo on his forearm, "Even if what you say is real... you are nothing to me. For all I care, you can crawl back to hell," Klaus spoke and took ahold of Lizzie's arm and vamp-sped away.

They reached the tombs where Elijah was supposed to be located; Elijah tied up by chains and blood-soaked into his shirt.

Klaus ripped off the doll hanging from the ceiling and broke the chains that were keeping Elijah still, "Wake up, brother" Lizzie said in a rushed tone. 

"Elijah?" Klaus said.

"He won't wake-- not yet. Which gives you and me one last chance to discuss my offer," Esther was heard from behind them and she spoke to her children.

"You promised us Elijah's safe return," Klaus said, "What was that a lie?" he ended as he removed the cuffs from Elijah's wrists, "Just like that ghoulish atrocity outside... claiming to be my father back from the dead." 

Esther nodded, "Your father's return is real. I pulled him from the Other Side before it collapsed. Left him in the bayou to join the wolves. And I used the execution of one of his own to draw him here. Where I knew he'd find you two" 

"To what end?" Lizzie choked out through her tears, "Besides my torment?" 

Their mother walked forwards, "I brought him here to be the father you never had. To teach you to become the kids you were always longed to be. Once you are remade as werewolves, you can join him." 

"His return... changes nothing," Klaus got up from his siblings' side and left Elijah's head in Lizzie's lap.

"It changes everything. It is my gift to you both. To make up for trying to kill you back in Mystic Falls. To make up for sending Lizzie away and claiming she was dead. This offer is your last chance at salvation. Reject me now, and you will live out your endless days unloved and alone. Do not refuse me out of some ancient spite--" Klaus cut her off.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now