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The trio was walking around a shopping market; Bonnie and Damon were bickering over who would control the trolley whereas Lizzie was deep thought about getting the hell out of here.

"I got it."  Damon roughly pulled the trolley from Bonnie's grasp.

"Okay," Bonnie sighed in defeat. 

"Do you guys ever stop bickering? Seriously, I'm going to go grey by the time we finish shopping." The blonde girl snickered, running her fingers through her hair to at least calm herself down a tiny bit. 

"We need strawberries, eggs, milk, and--ooh-- candles." The Bennett witch rolled her eyes at her friends' remark, adding the white candle into the trolley. 

"I know it's been a while, but you couldn't do magic as an anchor, so I'm curious what momentary lapse of reason that makes you think you can do it now?" 

"You know, when all  this started, you sucked at making pancakes, Lizzie threw up the first batch you ever made in this twilight zone, and now they're somewhat edible." Bonnie sassed. 

"Milk. There's no reason to be peter pessimist. We have proof we're not alone." Lizzie gave Bonnie a pair of sunglasses from the rack and grabbing one for herself as well. 

"First of all... Don't nickname, that's my thing--" Damon pointed to himself to empathise that it was his thing to do  "--this proof, this mysteriously filled in the crossword, could very easily have been you."

"I didn't fill it in, either did Lizzie," Bonnie spoke while making sure her face was closer to Damon's so she could speak more clearly. 

"No. You don't know you filled it in. You also don't know that both of you talk in your sleep-- eggs." Pointing to the eggs, cutting himself off from his sentence.

"What are you saying? Are you saying that we sleep crossword?" Holding the eggs in one hand as Bonnie spoke. 

"I'm saying it makes more sense than the alternative." Damon snatched the eggs from her hand and took his own sunglasses off. 

Lizzie rubbed her head to soothe the annoying headache she has had ever since they starting bickering when they entered the shop. 

"I get what you're doing." 

"What am I doing?" 

"You refuse to have hope that you'll see Elena again so that you don't have to be disappointed," Bonnie spoke while holding Lizzie's hand behind the vampire in front of them. 

Bonnie and Lizzie always used to embrace each other or hold one another hands to comfort each other. 

"I refuse to have hope because there's nothing to hope for--" 

"Pork rinds." Bonnie looked baffled then Lizzie looked onto the rack with an empty bag of Porkrinds missing. 

Nobody out of the three would eat such vile things. To be honest, Lizzie had been thinking that they could be in the prison world with Kai but pretty sure he had gotten arrested or killed. 

Kai Parker would always eat Porkrinds on a daily basis. Lizzie knew of this because she had to live with the nightmare, so-called Kai. 

Everything was adding up; stuck in a mysterious twilight zone on the exact date that the Parkers' had gotten murdered along with Lizzie herself, the crossword puzzle is written in when it wasn't any of them. 

"Not on the list and eww." Damon dropped the shopping list in disgust. 

"Wait-- no Damon. There were pork rinds here on this shelf. There have been pork rinds here on every shopping trip we've ever had here for the past four months." Lizzie folded her arms and she felt like somebody was watching her. 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now