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warning: sad ):

Not long ago that Alaric had proposed to Jo, Lizzie was still furious with everybody who had tried speaking to her ever since Bonnie had trapped Kai in the 1903 prison world.

There was no doubt that Kai was most likely drowning in his own blood -- a bang of regret always had been haunting Lizzie ever since the night of the occurrence. 

She could've done something but she didn't, she couldn't. 

Today was the wedding ceremony of Jo and Alaric Saltzman, Lizzie refused to go but Damon secretly said to her in private that if he attended that he'd help her find Kai his freedom. 

Joshua Parker walked his daughter down the aisle as wedding music played, a smile was actually on Lizzie's lips as she watched her best friend get married to the love of her life.

Despite the two driftings apart quite a bit, they both still treasured the lovely memories of the past and the fun they always had together back in Portland. 

Lizzie was wearing a tight black dress with a necklace where an 'M' was carved into it. She smiled as she saw Alaric and Jo smiling at each other and a slight blush on Jo's face.

Jo was holding a bouquet of white flowers and stared into her fiancé's eyes. Both of them stood there proud.

Joshua took his seat next to Lizzie and smiled at her, they still acted like father and daughter from day one when he took her in. 

Lizzie smiled back and adverted her gaze back over to the two in the front who were about to be married.

Liv and Lizzie were now closer than before, Liv apologised for everything she had done and said it was completely wrong for her to do such things.

Liv was sitting on the other side of Lizzie. "Welcome family and friends, on this magical evening, the wedding of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin. Josette and Alaric have prepared their own vows," the woman up at the front spoke, Josette turned around and gave Elena her flowers.

Alaric cleared his throat and held Jo's hands in his, "Neither one of us should be here right now. We've spent our lives dodging fate and beating the odds, but because we did, I got to meet you. The most beautiful, hilarious and intimidatingly brilliant woman I have ever known. You inspire me. You've shown me that happiness is actually something that I can have in my life," Alaric took a deep breath in, "-and so, I promise to be with you, love you and dodge fate with you for the rest of our lives," he smiled and placed the ring onto her ring finger.

Jo was letting out tears in front of the man she loved the most in life, she giggled to herself, "Oh god, that's a tough act to follow," she wiped her tears away, "Here goes. Alaric Saltzman, you are--" then all of a sudden she stopped speaking and let out a scream from pain.

"Jo? What is it?" Alaric said in a worried voice.

A crimson colour appeared on her dress in the middle of her stomach, gasping and crying from the pain she received.

What was happening?

Lizzie got up in a rush in panic and made her way over to Jo, "Aah! Aaah!" Jo screamed out and fell into Alaric's arms.

Kai then suddenly appeared in front of the three with a bloodied up knife in his hand, "I was going to wait for the death do us part bit, but it seemed a little on the nose." 

Lizzie still loved Kai but him killing one of her long lost best friends? Chaos was about to begin. 

"Am I right?" Kai said happily.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now