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Portland, May 27th - 1993

Lizzie Evans☆•°

Kept silence as a mouse; the constant feeling of being watched was always shivering down her back in horror - ever since the underwear incident she hasn't been able to step outside her room. Of course her family was worried, Jo was the most worried.

Jo had thoughts of her dying, missing perhaps?  Until she knocked on the door to the Evan's residence and was greeted by Sarah Evans.

The door was now wide open and Sarah let her in with no hesitation after seeing Jo breaking down, tears were flooding down her rosy cheeks.

"Oh dear, oh dear." The mother had said while she was panicking trying to find some tissues for the younger girl. 

"What happened?" finally now sitting down next to Jo as she gave her a yellow tissue box with buzzing bees on.

Gulping nervously and in fright incase Lizzie was in danger; Jo spoke up "Is Lizzie okay? I- I haven't seen her in a while and I wanted to make sure she's okay.. She is fine right?"  Sounding almost panicked as the girl was speaking, Sarah hushing her in comfort.

Why didn't Lizzie come out of her room? Was she scared of Malachai?  Something must've happened along side the underwear incident as there is no such proof of Malachai doing such things.

Flashback to 25th☆•°

Taller boy was infront of the petite girl, staring down at her with malicious intent within his grey orbs.

Lizzie shut her eyes as her back came face to face with a wall, her worst enemy in this situation. She wanted to run, and get away from the sociopath.

A loud chuckle was heard, he found the situation hilarious. Her so vulnerable infront of him and the memory of him jacking off to her a few days back came back into his mind.

Tears were threatening to leave her eyes, she was scared to die. 

What is wrong with this boy? Finding this situation completely hilarious as Lizzie had found it terrifying. Completely alone in the back yard behind his house.

He will stop at nothing to make her life hell.

Clenching his jaw as he let his palm that he used to touch himself ages ago onto her soft cheek, flinching at the touch of his skin on hers.  His rings brushing against hers as he brought his lips near her cheek, his palm now moving to her neck to close her windpipe.

"Please- please stop Malachai-" Lizzie stuttered under her breath as she was completely still, in shock from what the boy was doing to her.  No one had ever made her feel more scared.

Face red from anger, his grip on her neck getting tighter. "Do. Not. Call. Me. That." he emphasised each word carefully, whispering the last word in her ear.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now