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A soft hum left Dahlia's lips as young Elisabeth and Freya sat there near a fire, she poured them two a bowl of porridge, "Eat, Elisabeth and Freya, or you'll waste away," she walked over to the pot.

Elisabeth looked frightened and looked at Freya with teary eyes, Dahlia looked back over to them and began becoming frustrated, "-you stubborn children! You both need your strength... so that I may teach new Elisabeth here how to use the power that runs strong in our bloodline. It will keep us warm in the cold, give us good health when others fall ill," she grabbed onto Elisabeth's arm, "-and with that power, we will defeat our enemies," wiping at young Elisabeth's face, "-we can stay young... and beautiful. You need not be afraid. Together... we will be the strongest witches this world has ever seen." 

The cold wind flew through the small gaps in the wooden walls, "I want my mother," Elisabeth cried out. 

"Your mother didn't want you... she gave you away. This is your home now, darling. We are your only family- and there is no greater strength than family," Dahlia whispered and kissed the top of Elisabeth's head and walked away as Elisabeth began attempting to eat at her porridge.

Sat at a dinner table with Elijah, Klaus, and Freya, "-that is why she will come here, drawn by your daughter and Elisabeth... to take their power for herself. She will kill anyone who would defy her."

Elijah sat down on a chair opposite Freya, "-and yet you choose to defy her?" he questioned her.

"We don't have a choice, brother. She will never let us be free. My one chance is to align with you and kill her," Freya said.

"Well, now that we're all suitably motivated, let's talk specifics." 

"For you to understand... I need to start from the beginning. After taking us from our family... Dahlia used us to forge a new brand of connective magic. One that augmented our power even as it allowed her to draw it from us," she began.

It was yet again, a cold windy night, Elisabeth was standing there in her white dress obviously scared, "-take my hands. Start your chants," Dahlia grabbed onto Elisabeth's hands and they both started chanting Incantation.

The wind flew throughout their hair, lightning and fire were surrounding them both in the black salt circle.

Everything stopped for a moment, Dahlia gasped out and looked down at Elisabeth with a smile, meanwhile, Elisabeth was gasping out as well as she felt magic flow in and out of her body.

Dahlia started humming to herself in a soft tune, surrounding her were black dahlia flowers and Elisabeth looked in shock.

"She wasted no time proving her might. Over the course of a thousand years, she's only grown stronger- and she will bring all her power to bear against you when she comes for your child and our sister." 

Klaus laughed to himself and drank a glass of his alcohol, "...but Elijah and I have killed our fair share of evil witches." 

"Not like her," Lizzie said.

"What are her weaknesses?" Klaus asked.

"She's paranoid, obsessed with power. She hungers constantly for what's been denied her... be it love or revenge," Freya spoke.

Elijah nodded, "-yes, I think I'm familiar with the type." 

"When I was a child, she would tell me tales of her own youth. Of being victimized by those stronger than her. Dahlia vowed never to be weak again. She bargained for the firstborn of Esther's bloodline... intending to raise us in her own image... forming a coven of her own from which she could draw power. That plan was foiled the day she learned that Esther had ended her bloodline... by turning her children into vampires. And so the burden fell to me... Dahlia demanded I bear the firstborn that would add to her power. But I would not allow a child of mine to live as I did. As a slave. So I vowed never to love. Never to have a child of my own. Of course, the more I resisted... the harder Dahlia fought to control me." 

Her soft humming continued... her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Elisabeth sat there alongside Freya, watching as Dahlia drew even more power.

Dahlia slowly stood up from the ground in the cold cottage, "-take my hand, Elisabeth and Freya," holding out her hand as Elisabeth stepped back.

"No," Elisabeth said with teary eyes, "-this is not right. You've already taken everything from us. I will not follow you into this madness." 

She chuckled through her wicked grin, "-don't be stupid. I'm offering you both eternal life. We will sleep for a century and wake with power unlike any that's ever been seen. It's what we wanted." 

"What you wanted, you mean," Freya cried, "-please. Do not bind us with this curse." 

Dahlia rushed forwards and gripped onto both of their hands, "-ungrateful children. You will thank me for this in one century or the next." 

The two girls did not have a choice, Dahlia began chanting with a stronghold on their hands, the three's eyes rolling in the back of their heads as the curse starting to hold within their souls.

"-and so we slept. Our magic accruing over time, unlike we woke... filled with immense power and allowed to live a single year of life. That has been the existence we've suffered for the last ten centuries." 

Klaus chuckled to their surprise and Lizzie looked over at her twin with angered eyes, tears falling out and onto her cheeks, holding onto Freya's hand as the past haunts them to this day.

"It's quite the ordeal, isn't it?" Klaus laughed, "-but it does beg the question... why not end it yourself?" 

Lizzie looked at her brother with a shocked expression on her face, "-a high enough bridge, a tight enough noose. You must've considered it." 

"Long ago, I did consider it. But Dahlia would never give us even that freedom. I would later learn the spell made us like her. Immortal... and impervious to harm," Freya wiped at her tears, "-so you see... I am like you. A creature of great power... cursed for all time." 

Elisabeth ran through the wintery forest, running away from the place that was forced to be called home. 

A big pain shot through her body as she was shot down to the floor by a magical force, "-I gave you everything! Don't you dare run away from me, Elisabeth!" 

She continued to cry and found a great sword on the ground and stabbed herself in the abdomen with it, choking out as black filled her vision. 

Falling to the snow-covered floor with a thud, Dahlia looked down at her corpse with a smirk on her face.

No more than five minutes later, Elisabeth woke up with a loud gasp, she was now in the cottage next to the fireplace and saw Dahlia looking down at her, "-how can this be? How am I alive?" 

"The spell that sealed our magic sleep guards us against all forms of harm- living forever is an awfully long time, dear," Dahlia said with a smile on her face.

Elisabeth fell down onto her knees, crying, gasping out as the back of her throat closed up, starting to have a breakdown.

"There, there," Dahlia moved her blonde hair out of her face, "-there, there, my dear. I will forgive you for this... eventually. But you can never forget. There is no escape from me. Not even death." 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now