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Only Klaus and Lizzie were wandering around and trying to find their brother, Elijah, an abandoned house was in the corner of their eyes and they decided to investigate.

Lizzie dragged her fingers across the dusty and weak door as she walked in, a piano key was heard and Elijah was there playing a tune on the piano.

"You seem troubled," Elijah spoke, "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were worried," Lizzie looked at her brother with a worried expression.

Lizzie walked up to him, "What has she done to you?" as she walked up to him he just looked at her with no emotion.

"A thousand years of murder and mayhem... and Mother believes she still can save our souls," Elijah dragged his finger across the piano keys and looked down at his sister.

Klaus stood by his sister's side, "She wants to talk," Elijah said as he watched his siblings look at him, "Perhaps we should listen"

Klaus yelled and lifted up a table and threw it at Elijah and Lizzie jumped in shock to see Elijah was no longer there.

"The petty illusions, Esther," Lizzie scoffed and folded her arms.

"Where is Elijah?" Klaus asked.

"He's preoccupied at the moment," Esther walked out from behind one of the walls, "I'm helping him find his way. But not to worry, I'll return him to you. All I ask is that you hear me out." 

Lizzie turned around and looked at her mother in disgust, "You expect us to sit through your sermon of lies?" Lizzie spat.

"I have lied in the past, to my shame. But I'm going to tell you the truth," Esther held her hand up, "I'm in the process of making Elijah into the man he was meant to be. I also intend to do the same for you both" 

Klaus stared at his mother with tears in his eyes and Lizzie had no empathy for her mother anymore.

"This plantation, ruined by fire," Esther strolled around the room, "How sad. Not to mention symbolic. After all, you never intended to build a true home here. Even as Hayley carried your child. As Rebekah, Elijah and Lizzie sought to defend you... your thoughts were focused only on your conquest of the Quarter. Tell me. How did that go?" 

"I'm sorry. Is this some sort of motherly critique?" Klaus asked his mother, "Please feel free to choke on it"

Esther sighed, "I mention your failures only to make a point, my dear. You've endured several lifetimes of misery. Never mind the suffering you've caused others, even to your own blood. You yourself remain trapped in a perpetual state of despair. I have come to offer you a means to escape that cycle." 

"And that's about all the hypocrisy I can take. I suggest you give our brother back before we get angry," Klaus spoke.

She shook her head, "Such hatred. It breaks my heart to see you both likes this. My kids I love," Esther said.

"Your love was a curse. An effect you feigned. The truth is that you're no better than Mikael. And like him, you seem to have crawled back from the grave... simply to ruin your own children," Lizzie gritted her teeth, "Oh. You didn't know, yes. The destroyer has risen. Brought back to kill us by the witch Davina. Well, surely, Kol has revealed everything to you. Or his mother's loyal little bootlicker not quite so loyal after all?" she squinted her eyes at Esther.

Esther gulped and adverted her eyes, "Do you really think that saccharine recollections of ancient history... will have any effect on us at all?" Klaus spoke.

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now