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Tears escaped Lizzie's eyes as she saw her brother hand over the baby to their sister, Rebekah, to look after the baby for its own safety.

"Hello, sister," Klaus said while smiling at her.

Rebekah smiled back at her brother and then adverted her eyes over to Lizzie, "Haven't seen you in a while, sissy," Rebekah chuckled.

Lizzie laughed and wiped her tears, "She looks just like her mother," Rebekah said while looking down at the baby, "Maybe there is a god after all." 

"Well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes, that's definitely you, brother," Lizzie leant over to peak at the baby and laughed at her brother at her own statement.

"You'll need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell," Klaus said.

Rebekah nodded to her brother and turned her head to Lizzie, "We have our own special witch right here, Nik." 

The tribrid nodded, "No one can ever find her. I promise," Lizzie smiled at her two siblings.

Klaus admired his daughter, "This city would have seen you dead, but I will have it your home, and every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down. Just as sure as my blood runs in your veins, you will return to me." Klaus kissed his daughter's head.

Lizzie and Rebekah were letting out tears at seeing their brother actually feel empathy for something he loves. It took him a thousand years to finally look at something with complete awe.

He handed the baby over to Rebekah, "In spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more with my daughter's life," Klaus kissed his sister's head, "Be happy... sister." 

"She will be happy, Nik, I promise," Rebekah wiped a tear, "What's her name?" She asked her brother.

"Hope. Her name is Hope," Klaus said as a tear left his eye.

Lizzie hugged her brother's arm, resting her cheek as she watched the baby coo in her arms. A smile was on the tribrids face as it was flooded with tears.

Rebekah nodded and walked off to her crimson car, placing the baby in a car seat and she began to sit in the driver's seat.


Lizzie picked up the phone to contact Kai but it went to voicemail as soon as she called, "The person you are trying to call is not online" and it immediately worried Lizzie to the core but she decided to just call him later in case he's just busy.

Reading was almost a hobby of Lizzie's, music was playing as she sat in the room where Klaus did his paintings.

He kept grunting in annoyance and then all of a sudden he screamed, throwing the canvas over Lizzie's head, barely missing her.

"I suppose we shall have to call this your white period," Lizzie joked.

"I'm missing a crucial colour in my palette. That of my enemy's blood," Klaus finished, frowned brows and a stern look on his face.

"What has gotten into you, brother?" Lizzie questioned from the sofa, placing her book down on the coffee table.

"My child is safely away... away from her father! I should protect her!" Klaus yelled.

Lizzie rolled her eyes, "Brother, haven't you forgotten that our sister is keeping her safe, let me give you a reminder, I did a cloaking spell on your child so there's no need--" 

"It's not just that sister! Another full moon is upon us. Another night of pathetic weakness, as the moonlight rings steal my strength. The inertia is killing me. I need to act. I-- I-- I need-- I need to spill blood," Klaus said.

"You'll be pleased to know that Elijah has located the last of the twelve rings forged with your blood," Lizzie sat up and looked her brother in the eyes.

"Then it's time." He added.

Footsteps were heard from behind them, Elijah with his iconic black suit, "I'm concerned about Hayley." 

"She looks well enough, brother. Can't you tell me and my sister were having a nice old chat like the olden times?" Klaus said.

"She looks no better than you. If you would treat each other as more than passing acquaintances--" Elijah was cut off.

"She has you to help her, not me," Klaus said.

"Sadly, like the father of her child... she prefers to fight her demons alone," Elijah said and Lizzie just walked off to take the phone call she was getting.

The caller ID said it was an unknown number but she decided to pick it up anyways in case it was her beloved boyfriend.

"Yes?" Lizzie said over the phone, leaning against the wall on one side.

"I bet you were hoping to hear your sociopathic boyfriend, weren't you, Lizzie?" Damon's voice was heard on the other side of the phone.

Lizzie clenched one of her fists as her nails cut gently into the softness of her palm, "What have you done with him?" 

Despite Lizzie's intimidating voice, Damon continued, "Looks like he's resting in peace alongside your dead children--" 

"Care to explain before I come back to Mystic Falls and rip your heart out, oh and I'll make sure that Bennett witch will choke on it," Lizzie snarled.

A chuckle was heard, "I beheaded him not long after you left him for New Orleans-- how are the Mikaelsons doing?" 

"Shut up you filthy animal, you are going to regret ever meeting me," Lizzie ended the call and threw her phone at the wall, shards of the phone smashed everywhere on the floor and she moved her fingers through her hair.

The girl was feeling anger build up inside of her, something she has never experienced before other than her meetings with Dahlia. 

Elijah knocked on her door, opening it carefully, "What is the racket, Elisabeth?" He asked as his hands were in his pockets.

"Just going back to Mystic Falls for a few hours, seems like my work there isn't done. You remember Damon Salvatore?" Lizzie asked him.

He nodded slowly, "Well then, you'll be in luck to hear that his head will be delivered on a pike," she smiled as she felt sadness in her stomach from remembering her children dying and also the father of them.

"Make sure to come back straight after. Niklaus wants to eliminate each of the rings that contains a drop of his blood," Elijah spoke.

"Then please don't wait for me, I will be back shortly," Lizzie leaned up and kissed her brother on the cheek and walked out of the room to drive back to Mystic Falls in her car.

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