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Music blasting, sizzling from the cooking pancakes that were being constantly flipped by yours truly, Damon Salvatore.

"What's a seven-letter word for 'kill me now'?" Bonnie huffed in annoyance as her eyes never left the page. 

The tribrid was just sitting on a barstool at the table Bonnie was sitting on; Damon's eye roll was practically visible from the angle she was sat at. 

"That joke got old six weeks ago--" Lizzie then cut off the bickering vampire to state "And so did this word cross puzzle." She spoke in a sarcastic tone. 

Bonnie smiling at Lizzie then turning her attention to the vampire who was squirting cream onto the pancakes once again for the millionth time in this twilight zone. 

"Every day for two months, we've done this stupid thing, and we still can't figure out twenty-seven across. 'An old tongue twister Eddie turned Top forty?'" 

The sizzling soon stopped right after Damon came to the table with two plates in his hands, setting down one for Bonnie and the other right in front of Lizzie. 

"I hate pancakes!" Bonnie yelled. Honestly, Lizzie didn't blame the poor girl. Pancakes were the best thing in the world right about when she was known as an Evans. 

"Whoa. Don't take it out on the pancakes--" Leaning down to whisper in Bonnie's ear, "--those pancakes, like myself, are waiting for you to be witchy to get us the hell out of here!" 

Lizzie looked down at the pancakes with a horrified expression. Imagine having pancakes, every day, for all your daily meals. 

"You know I've been trying--" Bonnie turned around and pointed at Lizzie who barely touched her pancakes, "--even Lizzie knows I have been trying!" 

"And failing. Further evidence we're in hell. Not only that am I stuck with the useless version of you. Then there's Lizzie, can't do things for herself--" 

Bonnie held up her hand to signal silence; a mumbled whisper, "Did you hear that?" 

"What would we have heard Bonnie? We were the only three people here two months ago, and we're the only three people here now!" 

"Well, I swear I heard something!" 

"Maybe it's the sound of existential despair. Maybe that is what hell sounds like!" 

"You know what? Do you think we're trapped in your hell? I have to spend every day on repeat with the person I like least on this Earth, you know if I wish it was just me and Lizzie here. Maybe we're trapped in mine!" 

That was when the familiar bickering had to end with a sassy Bonnie  Bennett rushing out of the kitchen to avoid Damon, Miss Cuddles in her strong grip by her side. 


At the warm cosy fire sitting opposite Damon, Bonnie walking over and placing bowls of soup down right in front of us on the table. 

Damon looked down at the newspaper and then looked up at Bonnie, smiling while taking a spoonful of soup and placing it right into his mouth. 

"I miss them, too, you know?" Bonnie spoke to both others at the table, a sad smile written on her face. 

Lizzie placed her hand on the table and held Bonnie's hand in comfort then placing it back down to her side; Damon nodding sadly in response. 

An awkward silence was in the room and slurping of the foods was heard until Damon spoke up with a cheerful tone of voice. 

"Look who got twenty-seven across." 

Bonnie and Lizzie giggled and shook their heads, "We wish. Twenty-seven across is a rock that both of us are pushing up an endless mountain." 

"An old tongue twister Eddie turned Top forty. Eddie Vedder, Pearl Jam--" slamming down the paper, "Yellow Ledbetter. Good work guys" 

Both the girls looked at each other with confusion until Lizzie took the newspaper and set it down in front of them. 

Yellow Ledbetter was written. 

A strange eerie vibe shivered down her spine, the familiar handwriting she was drawn too closely with. 

Over the years, living nearly over a thousand years, you'd come to terms that you'd notice peoples handwritings from a mile off. 

"Are you messing with me?" 

"No. Are you messing with me?" 

Shaking off the thought, no one could be here beside Damon and Bonnie and of course Lizzie herself. 

"I didn't finish this." Bonnie whimpered.

"Well, neither did I" 

"Lizzie- did you?" Bonnie turned to her side and questioned the scared looking female. 

"No? I thought twenty-seven across was totally rigged" Lizzie spoke slowly, who could be here? 

"There's someone else here." 

sorry for short ):

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