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Lizzie made her way down to the graveyard and heard yelling from inside the little shed looking thing right in the corner of the graveyard. 

She ran over in a hurry because deep down she was a caring person and would help anybody, no matter who they were.

"I was going to kill you when your brain was the size of an acorn. You don't think I'll do it now?" The voice sounded like Kai's from inside the shed. 

"What the hell is going on--" Lizzie started but her eyes looked down and noticed Jo sitting there with a pained expression on her face.

"Jo?" Lizzie whispered.

Jo gasped and brought one hand to cover her mouth but she was a little shaky from the surprise of her old 'crush' coming back from the dead and the pain Kai had given her. 

"Kai killed you-- I saw you dead!" Jo exclaimed, tears falling out of her eyes. 

Lizzie tried to rush over to Jo but Kai was pushed out of the way by Luke, Kai nudging into Lizzie from the impact. 

"Whatever," Luke let out, "I'm not watching this." 

The tribrid bent down and wrapped her arms around Jo's body, crying in her embrace. "I missed you, Jo," she sniffled. 

Of course, Jo could give the hug back because she was tied down by metal chains but she leaned into the embrace until Kai grabbed the back of Lizzie's shirt and pulled her back onto her feet.

Kai laughed to himself at Luke and Lizzie's actions at the same time, "Oh, so dramatic." 

"All right," Kai said and went towards Jo with the bloodied knife in his hands, "Sissy, let's try this again--" 

"Stop, Kai. She put her magic in there by choice, did she not? Taking it back is also her choice," Lizzie interrupted Kai from hurting Jo even more. 

"Unless I bleed to death, which will happen in the next thirty minutes -- wouldn't it be ironic if you accidentally killed me before the merge ceremony?" Jo let out and breathing heavily from the wound on her arm where Kai had struck the knife into. 

Lizzie looked down at Jo and gave her a slight smile for saving her from Kai at that moment and smiling at her to finally announce that she is back from the dead.

"I'm going to find a bandage while you figure out how to put the magic in this knife into our sister," Kai gave Liv the knife and she gladly accepted it, "Preferably by the time I get back, so I don't have to dull it by slitting your throat." 

That sentence really made Liv scared for her life, gulping down the saliva and blinking away the tears that kept leaving her eyes. 

As soon as Kai left the area to find a bandage to bandage his own mess he created, Lizzie sat down next to Jo on the ground. 

The tribrid had a closer look at Jo's wound and placed her hand over it in an attempt to suck the pain away with her magic. 

"Hey, it'll be okay," Jo let out and gave both of the girls a reassuring smile. 

"Are you sure?" Liv bent down on the other side of Jo with a look of worry on her face, holding the knife in her hands that Kai had given her. 

"I just need to get rid of Kai so you could free me," Jo replied with one look at Lizzie and then back at Liv. 

Jo still had some stained tears under her eyes from crying in pain and also finding out that Lizzie was alive all this time when Jo was suffering from her loss. 

I DON'T CARE - Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now